How to change fields in Use Case Details Tab Details

Hi all,

how I am able to change fields in Use Case Details Tab Details?
Rename, add or delete custom fields?

I am able to do it via the old mechanism of convert old description function. I can insert fields into the HTLM table alter the label and after i saved it i can convert it.
Bevore saving i can set this as the standard. From then one all these fields will be used for every use case.
But i could not find any option how to setup this properly? There is no menu avialable.

Regards Michael

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your post. The fields are actually controlled by the UseCase stereotype. Please edit by following the steps below:

  1. Select Modeling > Configure Stereotypes from the main menu
  2. Expand the tree node to show Use Case > Use Case
  3. Select UseCase from the list on the right hand side
  4. Click Edit
  5. Switch to the Tagged Value Definitions tab. Now, you can edit the fields (field per tag)

Note that by following the steps above, you are editing the workspace setting, meaning that new projects will follow the same definition. If you want to edit the fields only for the current project, please add step 1.5 “Select “Project” for scope at top left corner of the Configure Stereotype window”.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung