How to specify a * to 1...2 association?

I am using VPUML standard. I would like to create an association between a CheckingAccount and a Customer class. The multiplicity I would like to specify is that a CheckingAccount can have 1 or 2 customers, and a customer can have any number of CheckingAccount (*). In VPUML, you can only choose from preset multiplicities. How can I specify a 1…2 multiplicity in this case?


Hi Kelvin,

You may select “Other…” in Multiplicity. Then you can specific the value to “1…2”.


Thanks Mercus for your reply, but I don’t see “Others” in Multiplicity. Could it be this option is not available in the Standard Editon?
Please see the attached screen shot.





Thanks you had attached the screen shot.
You are right. There are no “Others…” of Multiplicity in Property table. But the Multiplicity is Property table is a editable combo box. This means you can type the multiplicity directly.

By the way, “Others…” is shown in the popup menu of Multiplicity of Association.

Hope can help.


I got it now! Thanks so much for your kind help!