iActivityAction create tagged value error

I’m trying to create some tag values for my activity actions.

While I try to do:
ITaggedValueContainer myTaggedValueContainer = activityAction.getTaggedValues(true);

I get this error:
The method getTaggedValues() in the type IActivityAction is not applicable for the arguments (boolean)

According to the documentation


public ITaggedValueContainer getTaggedValues(boolean autoCreate)

Any suggestion?


What I’m trying to do is to add Tagged Values to an Action and Input Pins and Output Pins. I tried the method getTaggedValues(true), but I get a compilation error.
I tried also

IActivityAction activityAction = IModelElementFactory.instance().createActivityAction();
ITaggedValue taggedValue = IModelElementFactory.instance().createTaggedValue();

But when I try to retrieve the TaggedValueContainer

ITaggedValueContainer taggedValueContainerAction = activityAction.getTaggedValues();

I got an exception, which is because there is no tagged values associated to this action.

Any suggestion?

I found how to create the tagged

      ITaggedValue taggedEngine = activityAction.getTaggedValues().createTaggedValue();      

The problem is that ‘setTaggedValues’ method is not written in the documentation.

Hello Mrgreen,

Recently we have updated the documentation of our Open API and that should included those methods. You can browse the latest API documentation at http://www.visual-paradigm.com/support/documents/pluginjavadoc/

Best regards,