Installing VP Suite 2.3 on linux

I have problems installing this Suite i’m having SUSE 9.3 (x86) with netbeans 5.0 already installed

On the Product Configuration screen, during de installation setup
then I gave all the parameter about mi IDE then I clilck NEXT


config failed
"SDE 3.3 for Netbeans /… - cannot be installed in the same directory “/home/invitado/netbeans 5.0
” DBVA 2.3 for netbeans /… - cannot be installed in the same directory "/home/invitado/netbeans 5.0

OK (only)

what is happening???

Hi user,

Thank you for your interest in our products.

You can install either SDE or DB-VA on an IDE. I suggest you try SDE 3.3 for NetBeans since it already includes all the features supported by DBVA 3.2 for NetBeans.

Please feel free to let me know if there are any questions.

Have a nice weekend!