Instant Reverse. C#. All connections are not built.
Please excuse me in advance if my question is incorrect.
I started learning C#, so there may be inaccuracies in the questions.
Instant Revers C# doesn’t build all the connections.
What am I doing wrong?
Or is there no need for these connections?
Visual Paradigm
errors (if I understand everything correctly).
1. The diagram in the HTMLLoader
class does not show that the class accepts the IParserSettings settings
2. The FormMain
class has no connection to the 'ParserWorker<string>and
HabraParser()` classes.
Or should there be no such connection?
class HtmlLoader
readonly HttpClient client;
readonly string url;
public HtmlLoader(IParserSettings settings)
client = new HttpClient();
public async Task<string> GetSourceByPageId(int id) { // code... }
public partial class FormMain : Form
ParserWorker<string[]> parser;
public FormMain()
parser = new ParserWorker<string[]>(
new HabraParser()
parser.OnCompleted += Parser_OnCompleted;
parser.OnNewData += Parser_OnNewData;
I’m using a project