I would like to create a template for a Use Case where the use case contains both pre and postconditions, but the value of the pre or postconditions consist of a list of requirements. I can display the value of a pre or postcondition, but how to iterate over it and display the icon, the name, and some additional text (like at least a space) when it’s a list?
<TableBlock colWidths="25, 75" repeatTableHeader="false" tableStyle="Properties">
<ForEach property="taggedValues">
<ValueChecker operator="equals" property="tagDefinitionStereotype" value="UseCase"/>
<Sorting by="property" property="name" sortValues="Level, Complexity, Use Case Status, Implementation Status, Preconditions, Post-conditions, Author, Assumptions"/>
<ValueChecker operator="equals" property="name" value="Preconditions">
<Text>My preconditions</Text>
<Property property="value"/>