Java Annotations And Code Update


i am using VP UML version 6.4 with Nebteans integration and having some trouble with the java annotations feature. Every annotation that i specify for an attribute is not updated to code.

For example when i create a java annotation with name EJB under AttributeSpecification the code always updates to:

public class TyreTradingSystem implements TyreTradingSystemLocal {
private BusinessPartnerManagerLocal businessPartnerManager;

but not to

public class TyreTradingSystem implements TyreTradingSystemLocal {
private BusinessPartnerManagerLocal businessPartnerManager;

Thank’s for any answer …


Hi Blackbird,

Thanks for your post. We are sorry that currently we do not handle annotation for round-trip engineering, but this is on our list already. If there is any news on this issue, I’ll come back to you immediately.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Thanks for your quick answer.

Is there any possibility or workaround to use annotations like @EJB in the code and ignore it in the model. The problem is that annotations in the code are always remove when i update the code.

So it is impossible for us to use VP-UML in our Java EE project’s.

Hi Blackbird,

Thanks for replying. We are sorry that there is no workaround for this. Our engineers are working on this issue and will come back to you as asap.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong