Java annotations export

Sorry for a double post but… I was re-reading my above message and when looking at the template output again I think it looks a bit sloppy, surely I can do better than that? Especially now that I got a good taste of the Doc Composor. I definitely intend to keep this template, and who knows if it might become useful for me in the future.

So, uhm… “I did something” :slight_smile:


I hope you can agree that this looks much better than that mess in my previous post? As you can see I even discovered a way how you can use properties (such as the annotation name) in a header, how cool is that?

Anyway, figured I’d share this edit as well. Also because you intentionally started with the idea to use a table yourself so I figured that this might also be useful for you.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

	<Text style="@heading+">Overview of Java annotations</Text>

	<HasValueChecker property="javaDetail" modelType="JavaClassCodeDetail" flag="false">
		<Text>No annotations used in class </Text>
		<Property property="name"/>

	<HasValueChecker property="javaDetail" modelType="JavaClassCodeDetail" flag="true">
		<Text style="@heading+">Class </Text>
		<Property style="@heading" property="name"/>
		<ModelElementProperty property="javaDetail">
			<HasValueChecker property="annotations" modelType="JavaAnnotation">
				<TableBlock tableStyle="Summaries" tableWidth="60%">
							<Text>Contains definitions?</Text>
					<ForEach property="annotations">
								<Property property="name"/>
								<HasValueChecker property="properties" flag="true">
								<HasValueChecker property="properties" flag="false">
				<Text style="@heading">List of annotation definitions (optional)</Text>
				<ForEach property="annotations">
					<Text style="@heading+">@</Text>
					<Property style="@heading" property="name"/>
					<HasValueChecker property="properties" flag="false">
					<HasValueChecker property="properties" flag="true">
							<TableBlock tableStyle="Summaries" tableWidth="80%">
								<ForEach property="properties">
											<Property property="name"/>
											<Property property="value"/>