Labelling "Investment Point" in Transition Timeline (how to(

hi, on the “Transition Timeline” diagram, how do I label the “investment points” please? The guide says:

  1. [Optional] Indicate any major milestones below the timeline. To do this, right click on the timeline and select Add Check Point Here from the popup menu, and then give it a meaningful caption (e.g. Interim Review).
  2. [Optional] Indicate the date when investment/funding will be made. To do this, right click below the check points region and select Add Investment Point Here from the popup menu, and then give it a meaningful caption (e.g. Initial Funding).

I can make this work for the Milestones as described but not for the investment points and the sample diagram doesn’t have any descriptive text on the investment points either.

Hi brynwales,

Thank you for your inquiry. To add an investment point, please right click the region above the bars and select Add Investment Point Here from the popup menu.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

thanks @Jick that’s helpful, I can add the investment point, how do I put text with (caption) the investment point please?

Currently, we do not support adding label to investment points.