Learning how to write Use Cases


I am trying to learn how to write use case diagrams, the best way to do this is to of course have a go.

I have tried to come up with an example which makes sense to me and uses a lot of the Use Case diagram features. The system is a database which records houses, cars and trees.

I have tried to model that there are generic “Query data” and “Add data” use cases which are then extended by the more specific query and add data use cases.


That there is a Generic User who performs all of these add/query Use Cases and more specific Users (System administrator and System User) who have their own more specific use cases as well inheriting the generic users ones.


Could you give me some comments on this attempt?



you don’t need to show relationship (inheritance) between actors in use case diagram, only between use cases.

you can ask me if you need more details.


you don’t need to show the relationship between actors in use case diagram.
If an actor has the same role as the other one, both will show to the same use case.

Ask me if you need more details.

cheers Guruli