Letter Types

Installed VP standard edition, than applied the update to it.

To my surprise I lost several letter types now I only have:

MS Outlook
MT Extra

No other Windows TT is available, why is that?


Dear Henk,

Thank you for your message. Can you tell me which fonts are now become missing after you have updated the system? Some of the fonts will cause the JVM crashed when the application starts. We have identified and filter out some of the fonts which may cause problem. It will be great that you can tell me which font(s) is now filtered out and it didn’t cause any problem in the old versions. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

I am using ARIAL for all my text and diagram names and set up that way in the options. Now that is not possible.

Arial is one type that is no longer avialable and it did not cause any problems in my setup.

When opening a drawing created with the pre-upgrade version arial is “available” and I can use it without any problems. The letter type shows in the drop down box, in the same area as Dialog.

It looks like all the TrueType fonts are gone, but than again the webdings etc are still there. Perhaps we should filter on the “Sans” type letters eg. Vera Sans, Lucida Sans etc. The OpenType fonts do not seem to create any problems with my settings (eg. Century Gothic, Arial etc).

But that is just my opinion.


Dear Henk,

Thanks for replying. Our engineers had identified the problem and a new version will be released within these few days. I’ll send you a copy once the fix was ready. Thanks for reporting the problem. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

Best regards,

Dear Henk,

The font problem had been fixed and deployed (20050624g). You can update your software with the VP Suite Update to fix the problem. Please let me know the fix works on not. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Just checked, yep that works fine.

Thanks for the quick response, excellent.
