Losing metamodel information on a Sequence Diagram


we have had a very painful bug this afternoon.

After committing a Sequence Diagram in TeamWork Server, we have lost all the meta model information on a Sequence Diagram :

  • The Actor is no longer an actor and it has lost its name
  • The Classes have no more Class type neither name (and are no longer seen as Lifeline)

We cannot open Specification on those elements.

We still have message Call names.

Can we have a way to retrieve our information or a least a way to not reproduce it.



HI Arnaud,

Thanks for your post and I’m sorry for the inconvenience caused. I’ve forwarded this issue in our ticket system for follow-up, you will soon receive an email from support-team@visual-paradigm.com . If you do not receive one, it is possible that the security settings of your email program are preventing our email from being delivered to you, please find it from the junk or trash folders.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong