Lost Diagrams on New Install (again)


I’ve recently switched laptops again, but the first project I opened on the new laptop (which has the same licence type - Perpetual modeller) only shows one diagram when it had 4 or 5. Old laptop was v14.2, new one v15.2. Is this an issue with using a more up to date version, or maybe there’s still a way to view the others? If somehow they have got lost, is there a way to recover from a backup file?

Many thanks!

Hi Neil,

Thank you for your post and we are sorry to hear that some of the diagrams are lost. May I know the type of diagrams that are missing? Are they online diagram types that require running with VP Online and if yes, how did you obtain your project? If you just copy the .vpp file to the new machine, it’s probably the cause of the problem because online diagram types are stored on the online workspace and can only be retrieved through connecting to the workspace.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Hi Jick,

Thanks for your reply. It was the workspace that was the problem. Now I have copied over the workspace folder from old to new and switched to it, diagrams now appear.

Thanks again,

Hi Neil,

Thank you for your reply. The workspace folder contains:

  • project file
  • preference setting and,
  • teamwork connection settings

I guess the missing diagrams were online diagrams. They re-appear now because a connection to the VP Online workspace is re-established with proper teamwork connection settings.

Thank you for letting us know about your case.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung