Merge Stereotypes

We recently merged some Application Components from one Model to another and ran into duplicate stereotypes on the merged Application Component.

So we had a AppComponent1 in Model1 with a stereotype Stereotype1 and a AppComponent1 in Model2 with a Stereotype1

So we merged the two AppComponents - but the problem was the merged AppComponent1 had two stereotypes now with the name Stereotype1.

The stereotypes are named same but got duplicated as they come from different models.

In this scenario, is it possible to merge these two stereotypes. If not, any other solution that you would recommend please.

Would be great to merge these stereotypes to a single merged stereotype that retains all properties ( tagged values, color etc )?

Thanks for your help.

Hi lalitnagpal,

First of all, I assume you are using shape’s popup Related Elements > Merge to Model Element… to merge two AppComponents.

If two AppComponents are using same Stereotype, TaggedValues will be replaced into one single set.

If two AppComponents are using two different Stereotype, TaggedValues will by merged together. It is because those TaggedValue may have different meaning, according to its Stereotype.

Due to we never know which TaggedValue you want to keep, you need to merge TaggedValue manually.

Best Regards,
