Missing "Force Commit"


I´m missing the option for “force committing” a revision to VP-Teamwork-Server.

In our case, we want to “force commit” a transformed revision of a huge project after migration our VP-Repository from VP-Teamwork-Server 6 to VP-Teamwork-Server 10. The standard commit and update process takes too much time here.

I remember that this option was provided by the VP-Teamwork-Server-Client of previous versions of VP-Agilian-Standard.

So, where can I find this option now?

We are using the latest version of VP-Agilian-Standard 10.

Thx in advance.

Best regards,

Dear VP-Team,

why did you remove the “force committing” option from VP-Teamwork-Server-Client?

Best regards,

Hello Charon,

In version 10 we have re-develop the entire teamwork feature, which user should no longer need to use the force commit. This is why we removed this. If you experienced any problem in committing your project the please send in your email to support-team@visual-paradigm.com, and our support team will help you out.

Best regards,
Rain Wong