Open project

I’m using VPUML & TS 3.3 sp1 and I’ve a project with many version.

So, I start a new session of VPUML logging to TS; I choose a project then a click “open project” button in “Project” folder without switching on “Version” folder to choose a version.
Does it open the latest version on TS or another version?

Best regards


Hi Marco,

Thanks for your post. If you did not specify any revision to open, it will open the latest revision of the project from server.

BTW, if you want to open particular revision, you just need to switch to the Revision tab in the Teamwork Client dialog box, select the revision and click “Open” button.

If there is any further inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Lilian,

I send the question because I’ve done as you said but I discovered that I’ve worked on a previous version.

Is it possible that doing “open project” it open the latest version stored locally on my pc?


Hi Marco,

Sorry for my late response. Do you mean you are now opening a previous revision which you made changes on, but in fact you want to make changes on latest revision?

If you have made changes in your local project which is a previous revision, you can export the modified diagrams to VP-UML Project (File > Export > VP-UML Project…), then open the latest revision project from the server and import it back into the latest project.

BTW, if you have checked out the project, when you open the Teamwork Client dialog and click the Open Project button, it will open your local project.
If not, it will open the checked out project.

If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong