Operations and Constructors

I am currently refining my class diagrams and want to reflect different constructor methods for the class. These will translate to the java constructor methods that provide different ways of instantiating an object.

For example, I may have the following constructors:
user() /* this creates a blank user /
user(loginname) /
this creates a populated user for the loginName /
user(databaseUserId) /
creates a popoulated user for the id */

The class specification UI does not allow more than one operation with the same name.

Any ideas? Does this have to be entered straight into the source code?

Any help would be appreciated.

regards, Tim.

Further to my email above, I am using VP for UML - Standard Edition.
regards, Tim.

What version you are using?

Hi Angus,
I am using the evaluation copy of 2.1 (VP for UML Std edition)
regards, Tim.

Thanks Angus.
I have been able to add them through the class diagram ui.

When I tried before I must have been trying to add them with the same parameters.

Thanks, Tim.