Own metamodel, how to start in VP

Hello All,
I am quite new user in VP.
I am working with metamodeling for quite a long time but I decided to change the tool.

Please let me know how to start creation of new own metamodel within Visual Paradigm.

Hi Krzysztof,

Thank you for your inquiry. You may want to visualize your metamodel with Class Diagrams. Assuming that you have already downloaded and installed Visual Paradigm, you can create a class diagram with the steps below:

  1. Select Diagram > New from the menu.
  2. Select Class Diagram. Click Next.
  3. Select Blank template and click Next.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Start designing your metamodel in the diagram. You can create a shape via the diagram toolbar on the left.
  6. To create an attribute, right-click on a class shape and select Add > Attribute from the popup menu.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Thanks for helping me. That is a very good start - thank You for that!
Please let me know if I can create modelling framework based on that? And what about creating own relation definitions?


Hi Krzysztof,

Class diagrams, package diagrams, and profile diagrams can be used to define a modeling framework in a visual way. However, it is just for presentation, and the resulting diagram will have not influence the behavior of the application. Could you tell me more about your need? Do you just want a visual representation or something more than that?

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Hi Jick,
I would like to:

  1. Define my own metamodel (streotypes, tagged values, relatuonships),
  2. Define modeling perspectives/viewpoints/diagrams, including metaconstraints for modeling,
  3. Define toolbox (i.e. icons, stereotypes, all modeling framework),
  4. Export that and then use as my own modeling language in new VP project.

Is that possible? In Enterprise Architect it is called MDG Technology Builder. In MetaEdit+ it is main functionality. I want to move with my processes to VP but would like to know if I can create my own modeling frameworks with the tool. And what version I need.


Hi Krzysztof,

Thank you for your reply. Let me reply following the items listed.

  1. You can define stereotypes, tagged values, and the relationships between stereotypes. One way to define stereotype and tagged value is through the Management UI, which can be opened by selecting Configuration > Manage Stereotypes from the main menu.

You can also define stereotypes visually through Profile Diagram. The article below shows you the steps:

  1. You can define viewpoints by selecting Modeling > Manage Viewpoints from the menu. A viewpoint in Visual Paradigm can be used to control the buttons to be visible.

3, You can set icons to stereotype defined. By assigning a stereotype to a shape, the look of the shape will follow the icon set to the stereotype (if set).

  1. Both the stereotype and viewpoint definition can be exported to another. environment through the export and import function.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung