Path settings and different hosts


There are some path settings (like the output path in the html report generator) that make some problems if the VP-project is used on different machines. Relative paths would be needed. But it seems that paths can be only relative to the VP-UML-bin directory, unfotunately not to directory where the vpp files lies. Also in the html report generator is another setting called Logo image path. There, an external file should be referenced. How could this be done for different hosts? I don’t want to have references to the VP installation directories.

Since we use a version control system it is important for us that we can have proper file paths. Besides, it could be even more complex since we have Windows and Linux users.


Just hush. :frowning:

So I guess this is another bug (or a feature that was not considered suitably).

Hi Robert,

Sorry for my late response. I’ve forwarded the issue to our engineers to follow-up.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Robert,

Sorry for my late response. I would like to let you know we enhanced to remember project output path and Logo image path based on path of opening project. For example:

  1. userA create a project and saved to C:\Projects, then generate PDF report to C:\Project\report.pdf and save project again
  2. userA moved the project (or copy the project to another user) to D:\Model
  3. when he opens the project and click Generate PDF, the output path of PDF report will be D:\Model\report.pdf

You can download the patch with this enhancement from the following link:

Hope you are satisfied with the enhancement. Please let me know if you have any inquiry.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong


it works so far. Does it also work with Linux and Windows? I didn’t try it out. Also because I’d like to know if this change you have made only relates to the report features or in general. It seem only for the reports. I miss it in the references of a model element.

Couldn’t you implement that relative paths are relative to the project? This would be more intuitiv than with the current solution where relative means relative to the application path. Especially with the path settings of the reports it would be also nice if those ‘User path’ settings of the workspace could be used. Or not?

Anyway, I’m not sure if can reach my aim at all. It was not so much about the path settings in the report generators. Rather I thought I could add some files as references to the project (e.g. some graphics) - I didn’t wanted to insert it. This would bloat the vpp file, I guess. This is possible so far, however, without the relative paths, but with the workspace’s ‘User path’.

Now, with Perforce as teamwork client, how should those referenced files go into Perforce together with the project file automatically? I mean, I’d like to see the VP project as a combination of the vpp file (and those other VP files) together with the referenced files - which would be placed into the same folder (or in sub folders) as where the vpp file is. Those referenced files would belong to the VP project. Do you understand what I try to explain? Is it possible to realize with the current version of VP-UML?


Hi Robert,

Sorry for my late response. I’ve forwarded the issue to our engineers to follow-up, and I’ll notify you once there is any news on this issue.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Robert,

I would like to let you know that we plan to apply User Path in workspace (Tools > Options > User Path) to report output path.
And about the enhancement on project output path based on path of opening project, it’s supported on both Linux and Windows (also Mac OS X).

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Robert,

Sorry for my late response to this issue. Currently you can define User Path for report output path (Tools > Options > User Path) and this feature is compatible among different operating systems. Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any inquiry.

Happy New Year!

Best regards,
Lilian Wong