PHP instant reverse - cannot parse source code


while evaluating Visual Paradigm 8.3 SP2 (Build sp2_20120104) I found out that during Instant Reverse PHP5 source many files failed to import due to following errors:

  1. fails to parse multiline constants with message “Error occured when analysys: … filename.php. Encountered “,” at line 17 column 34”.

Source code example:

class IpdfProcessor{

	// VP fails to parse multiline constants definitions

		* Delimiter for FieldId[DELIMITER]docidx-section
		DELIMITER = '___',
		* Any unique hash string. This is used to temporary mask already translated field IDs.
		HASH = '-#hash#-',

		*  Whether to enable log messages in ajax responses
		SHOWLOG = false,

		* JQuery selector for DIV layer holding errors
		DIVERR = '#errors-content';

  1. It is not able to parse following line of PHP code:

"Error occured when analysys: … filename.php. Encountered “or define " at line 11 column 22”

defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',false);

BTW, it would be nice to add “Copy to clipboard” button to displayed error message.

Please can you fix into next SP or release.

Thank you.

Hello Lubos,

Thank you for your email. I’ve forwarded the details for our engineers to follow up. We will keep you posted with any updates.

Best regards,

Hello Lubos,

I would like to let you know this problem has been fixed and please run the VP Suite Update to update the software to latest patch (sp2_20120111ar or later). Details about update to latest patch can be found at

Feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Best regards,

I had no idea how to appracoh this before-now I’m locked and loaded.