Problem trying to execute Reverse DDL from PostgreSQL DDL.sql file

I am still working on an evaluation copy of the enterprise edition of VP. I am trying to REVERSE DDL. I created the DDL file from within the JetBrains Datagrip product. When I execute the REVERSE DDL from VP I point to the DDL created from Datagrip which is a SQL file and then I get this error in VP:

[12:58:20] [Error] Fail to reverse PostgreSQL database DDL: C:\Users\msavoy\Documents\qa_salesdb_DDL_script.sql. Parse error at line 420, column 21. Encountered: if

Here is line 420 in the DDL script:
create unique index if not exists pg_default_acl_role_nsp_obj_index

Can someone please help ASAP? Thanks.

Hi Melinda,

We’ll provide a patch to support this syntax soon.

Hi, I would like to let you know the unable to reverse PostgreSQL DDL problem has been fixed. Please update the software to latest patch build (20200230as or later) to get the problem fixed. Details about update to latest patch can be found at

  • Please make sure you have pressed the “Update to latest patch” button on the left hand side of the dialog right after launching the update program

Feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

Best regards,
Rain Wong

Hi Rain,

I executed the latest patch build as you instructed and now I’m getting this error from the log:

[06:53:57] [Error] Fail to reverse PostgreSQL database DDL: H:\SprintTasks\5_MarketingProject\SM-46 - PostgreSQL Database Design for Sales Portal\SQLScripts\qa_salesdb_DDL_Script.sql. Parse error at line 8144, column 86. Encountered: nulls

The REVERSE DDL appears to have gotten past the error I reported above but now I have this error.

I sent you the .SQL file so that you can test on your end in the email to the Again, this was created in the JetBrains Datagrip product. Please let me know if you can fix this so that I can continue with the evaluation. Appreciate your help.

Thanks for the sample file and I would like to let you know the problem has been fixed again. Please update the software to latest patch build (20200230ay or later) to get the problem fixed. Feel free to contact me if you require any further information.

I am using Build 20200915aa and with some files i get a Reverse DDL Failed, but no explanation of why? i can then run a new one, and it work perfectly.
But there is some that will just never run?

this is the DDL:
Create Table SECUP
(ACCESS Char(10)
,ALLNON Char(10)
,ALVAMA Char(10)
,ALVAMT Char(10)
,APPVAL Char(10)
,BKSTAT Char(10)
,CBSCDE Char(10)
,CCYCD0 Char(10)
,CCYCDA Char(10)
,CHGDTE Char(10)
,CHGTYP Char(10)
,COLAT1 Char(10)
,COLAT2 Char(10)
,CRDATE Char(10)
,CRTIME Char(10)
,CRUSER Char(10)
,DOMNCD Char(10)
,DPOSTR Char(10)
,FGBANK Char(10)
,FGBRCH Char(10)
,INSADQ Char(10)
,INSPRV Char(10)
,LCKREF Char(10)
,LGDTYP Char(10)
,LTVPLA Char(10)
,LTVPLC Char(10)
,LTVRCM Char(10)
,LVAPLA Char(10)
,LVAPLC Char(10)
,LVAPRA Char(10)
,LVAPRO Char(10)
,MKTVAA Char(10)
,MKTVAL Char(10)
,MLVRCM Char(10)
,NOMLDC Char(10)
,NOMLRT Char(10)
,PLGINA Char(10)
,PLGIND Char(10)
,PLGPEA Char(10)
,PLGPER Char(10)
,PROVAL Char(10)
,SCEXDT Char(10)
,SCRALL Char(10)
,SCRCTY Char(10)
,SCRDES Char(10)
,SCRGVN Char(10)
,SCRORG Char(10)
,SCRREF Char(10)
,SCRSTA Char(10)
,SCRTYP Char(10)
,SCTGCD Char(10)
,SHBANK Char(10)
,SHBRCH Char(10)
,UNLMTA Char(10)
,UNLMTD Char(10)
,UPDATE Char(10)
,UPTIME Char(10)
,UPUSER Char(10)
,VALTYA Char(10)
,VALTYP Char(10)
,VLDAPL Char(10)
,VLDDIA Char(10)
,VLDDIS Char(10));

Hi Willo,

Thank you for your post. Could you provide us with all the problem DDL files for repeating your cases? You can upload to:

Best regards,
Jick Yeung