Proper way to model?

What is the proper way to model a relationship between a company and
a regulatory license that they hold to conduct operations at a
particular location (a mine site)?

The scenario is;

A company (mining company) must have a permit to prepare(construct
roads, buildings, waste dumps etc.) a mine site (a specific
geographic region within which deveopment is permitted) to the the
point of the commencement of commercial operation.

I’ve tried a ternary relationship but I’m not sure that’s right.

I’ve tried a 1-1 relationship between a permit and a mine but then
how does the company fit in?

I’ve tried a 1-1 relationship between the company and the mine but
then how does the permit fit in?

I’ve tried the license as an attribute class of the relationship
between a company and a mine. Not sure if that’s right either. This
might be right except that there are instances where a company might
not have a permit for a mine (this is certainly the case for legacy

I’ve tried the company as an attribute class of the relationship
between a mine and a permit. That doesn’t make sense to me becuase
that would mean the company would only exist if the relationship
between the mine and the permit existed.

Anyone with any ideas?

I’ve attached a visio diagram depicting where I’m at right now. This is very rudimentary at this point. The classes in question are at the bottom of the page.

Another way scenario which would be semantically simiar is;

How would you model a relationship between a person who holds a registration for a vehicle?