Report Writer: Display Parent Model of Business Process Diagrams


i’m currently trying to adapt the Parent-Subtemplate for BusinessProcessDiagrams.

I tried some versions like the following, but nothing worked:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<TemplateInformationHeader name="Parent" description="/" type="table" default="false"/>
		<StaticText content="Parent" style="Heading 2 (VP)"/>
		<HasParentModelChecker property="references" flag="true">
			<TableBlock colWidths="5000,5000" tableWidth="14500" alignment="right">
					<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
						<StaticText content="Name" style="Column header 1"/>
					<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
						<StaticText content="Type" style="Column header 1"/>
						<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
							<StringPropertyText propertyText="fullName" style="Table Contents"/>
						<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
							<StringPropertyText propertyText="modelType" style="Table Contents"/>
		<StaticText content="" style="Default"/>

I’m ultimatively trying to display the Comments of a Model’s parent model.

Code is like the following (but not working, of course):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<TemplateInformationHeader name="ParentComments" description="/" type="table" default="false"/>
		<StaticText content="ParentComments" style="Heading 2 (VP)"/>
		<HasParentModelChecker property="references" flag="true">
					<HasMetaModelPropertyChecker property="comments" flag="true">
						<StaticText content="Comments" style="Heading 3 (VP)"/>
						<TableBlock colWidths="30, 10, 10, 50" tableWidth="15500" alignment="right" rowBackgroundColors="#F0F0FF, #FFFFFF">
								<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
									<StaticText content="Summary" style="Column header 1"/>
								<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
									<StaticText content="Author" style="Column header 1"/>
								<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
									<StaticText content="Date Time" style="Column header 1"/>
								<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false" color="230, 230, 230">
									<StaticText content="Documentation" style="Column header 1"/>
							<ForEach property="comments">
									<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
										<StringPropertyText propertyText="name" style="Table Contents"/>
									<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
										<StringPropertyText propertyText="author" style="Table Contents"/>
									<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
										<StringPropertyText propertyText="dateTime" style="Table Contents"/>
									<TableCell leftBorderEnable="false" rightBorderEnable="false">
										<StringPropertyText propertyText="documentation" style="Table Contents"/>
		<StaticText content="" style="Default"/>

How is this possible and what am i doing wrong?

I’d be thankful for any advice you can offer.

Hi Cbarth,

Thanks for your post. I’ve forwarded the issue to our engineers to follow-up, and I’ll come back to you once there is any feedback.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Cbarth,

Thanks for replying. The problem is that does not support getting parent from Diagram (we only support get parent from Model), and our engineers have enhanced Report Writer to support this so you can update to latest patch (sp1_20100223h or later). Details about updating to latest patch can be found from:

By the way, our engineers found a problem in your template, which is indicated in attached image. This mistake won’t affect your generated content, we just want to let you know. :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Lilian Wong


Hi LilianWong,

thanks for the tip and thanks for solving my problem so fast :slight_smile:


You’re welcome :slight_smile: