Report Writer: Display referenced diagram images


due to a Report Writer customization, we came up with the following requirement we try to solve:
Is it possible to display a diagram’s image, which was referenced in another model object (e.g. a DataObject)?

Example / Explanation:
Let’s say, we have a BusinessProcessDiagram and a Class Diagram. Within the BusinessProcessDiagram we created a DataObject, opened it’s specification,
and created a Reference to our ClassDiagram.

Now, we want to customize the Report Writer in a way that it can automatically display the ClassDiagram’s image, referenced in the DataObject.

Is this possible? Do you have any ideas on this or can you give an example?
Thanks in advance!

Hi Cbarth,

Thanks for your post. I’ll ask our engineers to prepare a sample template for you.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong

Hi Cbarth,

Attached you can find a sample template for generate image of referenced diagram - it’s for BPDataObject as example, so please place the sample template to VPSuite/resources/Report/Default/BPDataObject folder.
And attached image explains more on the tags in template and the results. Hope these helps.

Best regards,
Lilian Wong


Hello Lilian Wong,

that’s what i was looking for.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,

Hi Cbarth,

You are welcome. :slight_smile:

Best regards,
Lilian Wong