I am currently evaluating VP to see if it will do what we need. Once we are confident that it has what we need we will purchase a license and build our full model.
In my test model I have created a small number of use cases and requirements. I can generate an SRS from this using the provided template. However the table of requirements in the SRS has only the requirement name and description, we need to also have the requirement ID. I can add a column in the template docx file, but we can’t work out how to have the ID populate that new column.
I think I need to create a DCTL template to do this, but I can’t work out how to create it and how I should use it in the SRS template.
Is this something that is possible in VP? We don’t need a perfect solution at this stage, just need to be confident that it can be done reasonably easily.
Within Doc Composer, I selected “Fill-in Doc”. This shows three sample Doc Bases, I chose the third of these which is called “Software Requirements Specification”, and then saved it as my own DocBase.
I then generate the document, and in the produced document it has a table of Requirements. The table has a ‘Requirement’ column (contains the name of the requirement) and a ‘Description’ column (contains the body of the requirement).
I would like to add another column which has the requirement ID, e.g. REQ002
Thanks for replying and this one is simple. You can simply update the Doc. base file by adding a column for requirement ID, and specify the value as ${PROPERTY,ID} (see below).
Thank you, that works! My earlier attempt had ‘id’ in lower case which doesn’t work, I didn’t think to try uppercase. Out of interest, where can I find a list of valid property names?
e.g. for Requirements you can find its properties at Requirement
BTW, for requirement model we have the ID property alias to requirementID property. Therefore it is recommend to use the ${PROPERTY,requirementID} instead.