Reverse C++ Code fails

I often get the following error when I attempt to reverse several of my classes. I was able to reverse with v14.1 but after upgrading to v15, it fails.

Failed to reverse code

at v.gz.b.a(:161)
at v.ha.b.b(:139)

This is pretty annoying. Any help would be appreciated.


It seems that your project contains some invalid relationships. Could you please test on a new project?

The class compile and run correctly.

Is there an way to get more information on why i thinks there’s invalid relationships. Which relationship is it complaining about.

Like I mentioned, this was working with v14.1.

Please show Model Explorer, check Show Relationships in the popup menu.
Can you find a generalization missing From element?

If you found it, please delete and recreate if necessary.

I could not find the “Show Relationship” from the Model Explorer window. I had to select Window->Application Options->View->Show relationships.

After doing that , I could see many relationships in the Model Explorer, but none matched the generalizations that you specified. Here are a few things that I tried as a test, but did not fix the reverse c++ code issue:

  1. delete all the classes accept the class that is failing. No faulty generalizations was present.
  2. delete all the operations/attributes of my class. No faulty generalizations was present.

At this point I only had 1 class with no operations/attributes. Then I deleted all my UML diagrams… this caused the faulty generalizations to suddenly appear in the Model Explorer.

So it seems that a faulty generalization does exist, but it is not visible unless I delete a lot of stuff. Obviously, that’s not want I want. So I continued trying other ways to make it appear, and I think I found one. In essence, if I launch an Analysis of my class then that action will produce a diagram with lots of classes in it. If I then simply delete that diagram, the faulty generalization will appear.

If I delete the faulty generalizations then I can run the Reverse c++ code with any failures for my class.

I can’t say if my steps will work in all causes yet since I only tried with 1 class so far.

Can you locate the “to” end of the generalization? i.e. Class2 in my example.
Then you can open specification of that class, show Relations tab and delete the generalization.