Reverse engineering and associations


I’m evaluating Visaul-paradigm SDE for Visual Studio .NET 2003

This addin is way cool and very easy to use. You just have correct the small details! Or maybe i’ve overlooked something.

I Tried to reverse engineer this small example.

using System;
using TestUML;

namespace TestUML

public class Wheel
	public Wheel()
		// TODO: Add constructor logic here

public class Volvo
	private Wheel[]  whels = new Wheel[4];
	public Volvo()
		// TODO: Add constructor logic here

class TheApp
	private Volvo myCar = new Volvo();

	static void Main(string[] args)
		// TODO: Add code to start application here


and expected the class diagram to Show the associations between Volvo an wheel as an association line in the diagram. Not just as a field-string inside the class - box.

I Realized that this happened because I declare an array

private Wheel[] whels = new Wheel[4];

Somehow VP-SDE doesn’t handle the [] correctly!

Am I right?

It should generate an association line with multiplicity 1 and 4.

If I change

private Wheel[] whels = new Wheel[4];


private Wheel whels = new Wheel();

the association line is formed as exspected.

This must be fixed.

BR Christian Johansen