Seq diagram: how to move alt guard label?

On a sequence diagram, how does one move a guard label on an ‘alt’ combined fragment? It doesn’t seem to be pickable but I read somewhere that it would be movable in the May 2012 release. For example, I want to move ‘[guard 1]’ higher in the attached.


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I have this problem too. I believe the guard should be moveable just like other elements, it’s just weird it can’t be moved the usual way and I can’t find a way to do it as well. I finally ended up getting rid of the guards and adding simple text elements.

Hi aderchox,

We are sorry that we do not allow the guard label of interaction operand to be moved. The guard label position is displayed based on the UML sequence diagram notation, if free move is allowed it would cause it to be accidentally moved away and so loses its purpose of visualizing the guard condition of the associated interaction operand. Again, we are sorry about the inconvenience that this limitation has caused you.

Best Regards,


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