Sequence Number Problem

I am attaching this file containing the sequence diagram…My problem is I want a sequence number 4.1 instead of 6 at message "clearSelection pointing to a new Lifeline. Can anyone help.
Thanks .


got it!! It’s a simple problem…It’s just that I right clicked on the message and went to sequence numbers(last option in the pop-up menu) and then selected manual…
I am providing this info for people with this same problem…
Thanks everyone…

Thank you for your post! :smiley: :smiley:

I can’t find this option, can you post a screenshot or detailed advice? Thanks

Hi Wolfgang,

The tutorial below shows how you can change the sequence numbering method via the diagram’s popup menu:

Once you have selected “Manual” as the sequence numbering method, you can then open the specification of the desired message and set it to whatever value you want:


Hope this helps,


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