Some New Models idea

I Wonder if there a chance to see value proposition and business model canvas in visual paradigm

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I have just read this article and I related your post
Find the answer in this way.

Hi @Noorchang,

Thanks your suggestion.

We know that both canvases are useful for support in understanding, analysing or changing their business models.

The Business Model Canvas is already queued in our backlog.
The Value Proposition Canvas is under the copyright. We are not yet decide on support it.


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Hi @Noorchang,

We are glad to inform you about Business Model Canvas is supported in Visual Paradigm Online!

In addition, we introduce a flexible canvas designer.

We have over 100 templates of analysis canvas, you can custom it for fit different purposes.
You can have your own Value Proposition Canvas.

Cheers :beers:

Yep already enjoying it Thank a lot you are the best.