Synchronize button in Model Explorer Toolbar

Hi VP Team
Is it possible to add a button to jump to the diagram tree view node of the diagram which I have open in Diagram Navigation? Of course I can open the diagram specifications and look in which component the diagram belongs, but a button would be faster.

Or is there already a possibility?


Hi Michl,

Thanks for the post. Do you mean to select the tree node for the opening diagram? Can you try right-clicking on your diagram and selecting “Select in Tree” to see if that’s what you’re looking for?

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Okay. I tried it.
Not quite. The focus (selected item) jump to the node of the diagram navigator itself. But I’m looking for the node in model explorer.

Hi Michl,

Thank you for your reply. The node in the model explorer is selected. This may be because the color is not bright enough. I am including a short video below to show you how it works.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Your are right!
Because the diagram navigator window is activated to the top, I thought and seems that it doesn’t work. But you select the node in all views. okay. That’s a a little bit unusual, but okay. But now in know it :wink:
Nevertheless perhabs a “synchronize” icon in the toolbar in diagramm view and model explorer makes also/more sense like in Visual Studio. The menus in VS have a quite lot of entries.


Best regards,

Thanks Michael, I will share your comment with our development team. :clap: