SysML part association and generalization


I am working with BDD diagram in VP and I am having difficulties with basic concepts.
Please consider the following example:

My questions are specified in the note model elements.


Hi Pawel,

Thank you for your post. Your question has been forwarded to our engineering team. I will let you know when there is a reply.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Hi Pawel,

Thanks for your inquiry. Regarding to your questions:

Question 1: According to SysML spec (section Block) it mentioned “A property typed by a SysML Block that has composite aggregation is classified as a part property”. As Power supply is composite to Device (in your example) therefore it will show as parts in Device.

Question 2: This should be caused by the part Device in Vehicle (in your example) is set to private visibility. As long as it is not in private visibility then it will show in Car block (of course the Car block need to set the Presentation Options > Show Parts > Yes (with Inherited).

Feel free to contact me for any questions.

Best regards,
Rain Wong

Dear Rain,

Ad 1.You are correct - it’s a part property. But there are two additional questions:
a. Should this really be shown in the compartment notation? It’s redundant right now. I also possibly can hide the compartment notation, but what if there are parts that are simpler and I want show them only in the compartment notation and not as composite aggregation they would also disapper.
b. My main issue - whey there is this inherited sign in the name of the part property, so in the upper case “^ps”.

Ad 2. Ok this works now. Not sure that it’s language compliant - this is what i was told in one of the courses - however I wasn’t able to find this in SysML spec. It’s strange for a part property - real hardware to have it’s visilbility as private - what’s the point? Anyway it’s a workaround for me so it’s fine.
Additional question: right now I tried to redefine this inherited property. How to do that in VP?


Hi Pawel,

Thank you for your reply. Our team is reviewing your feedback. We will keep you posted on any updates.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung