How can i generate C++ code from the UML class diagram? I have installed the eclipse plugin SDE but i have found only “instant reverse”-option in the GUI.
Hello kashej,
Please make sure you are using the Standard (or above) Edition of SDE of Eclipse. The menu is at: Modeling > Instant Generator > C++.
Best regards,
Hello Jick,
I have installed Professional Edition, but all what I have in the Modeling menu is this:
Best regards,
Dear kashej,
I guess that you are using an old version of SDE-EC, which does not support Instant Generator. Could you send me your log file to check what your version is? You can find the log file at $eclipse folder
Best regards,
Hello, Jick
I have now downloaded
It contains SDE 4.0 but I have a licence key only for SDE 3.2.
If I try to start SDE from eclipse It appears a license key manager window. I click the checkbox “show all keys”. It shows my key and that it is valid. But if I close this window the dialog box appears “Your License Key(s) are invalid. The application will now close.”
Excuse me for such questions but I am newbie in the VP world and I cannot understand this logic.
Can you please say to me:
- what should I download and install that after that I have the SDE 3.2?
- Is it then possible to use Instant Generator in SDE 3.2?
Best regards,
Hi kashej,
Do not worry. Your questions do make sense. Let me answer them one by one.
- what should I download and install that after that I have the SDE 3.2?
You must have a valid license key for SDE 4.0 in order to use it. I assume that you are our customer, have you bought software maintenance? If you have bought maintenance and if the maintenance is still active, you are entitled to an upgrade to the latest version. If that case, please login to your customer account to download the license key of the latest version.
If you have not bought the maintenance, I am afraid you could not use the latest version. In that case, I would suggest you buy maintenance, which let you use the latest version, and any future upgrades that will be available within the maintenance period.
- Is it then possible to use Instant Generator in SDE 3.2?
Instant Generator was available starting from SDE 3.3 Service Pack 3. Therefore, it is not possible to use it in version 3.2. Sorry about this.
Best regards,