Update UML Model


I am evaluating SDE for Eclipse Pro, and I am trying to generate class diagrams from the existing classes I have. But some classes are not created as UML Model.

The followings are I tried.

  • right-click on the all existing java classes in the “Package View”, and select “Update UML Model”.
  • switch the perspective to “UML Modeling”.
  • some classes apear in the Model View, but the other classes are not in the Model View.

How do I generate UML Models for existing java classes in project?


i am evaluating this product as well and find that the reverse engineering feature does not work. I create a class diagram in VP and update eclipse - no problems. but then i create a class in eclipse that extends previous class. when i update VP-UML in eclipse, and go to VP, new class does not exist.

pls advise.

Please make sure you have Auto Synchronization turned on. If this option is turned off, you have to press the Update Code button every time you have modified the models. The Auto Synchronization option can be found at Modeling > Auto Synchronization.

If your problem still persists, could you please tell me more details about your working environment, such as the build number of the SDE, eclipse version, OS also the vp.log file? You can find the vp.log file inside the eclipse installation directory. If you don’t want to disclose such information in the forum, please send it to my private message box or rain@visual-paradigm.com. Thanks in advance!

Best regards,