Use cases & user acceptance testing: best practice

If someone could help me, more on a matter of best/common practice.

I have a use case “create Invoice” which is extended by a number of use cases (eg “Apply Qty Discount”).

Now, when I am writing user acceptance tests using the Flow of Events in vp-uml, I cannot include detail of the extended use cases,
since the flow of events for an extended use case is blanked out in the parent flow of events.

I can however do these separately, but since a user would have to complete the steps in the “parent” use case in order to test this extension use case, I would presume it better to include it’s details in the Parent use case scenario?

However if I do so, then it is not easy to see if I have included this use case in any tests.

So currently I have a rather lengthy testing setup which is essentially the flow of events for the “parent” use case.

I’d appreciate direction or users thoughts on how best to handle this?

[i]//Note to programmers:
It would be nice if the default procedures for a flow of events were copied as a new one was created. As a lot of testing of those scenarios requires just repeating the same procedures, altering just one or two steps.

either this or the ability to paste more than just once procedure at a time!![/i]

Hello Mickartz,

Thanks for your message. According to your description it seems your model is a bit strange. The use case should be an user goal. But in your case, “Apply Qty Discount” seems to be a steps rather then a goal user want to perform (i.e. a user may access the system to “create Invoice”, but seems not likely to just “Apply Qty Discount”).

And about the testing in extended case, it should be documented in extended use case directly (where the execution goes from base use case to extended use case). Would you mind give me an example about your problem?

Best regards,