Valid licence but wrong program


i’m trying to launch vp_uml on my laptop (linux debian), and i’ve tried to launch the program with $vp_directory/launcher/run_vpuml
Although i requested community edition, it seems this executable launch the professional edition, so when i import my key, the manager say “valid”, but when i click on exit button, the manager closes and appears again, i click on close button one more time, and a message box tells me my licence key is invalid, so the program will exit.

What’s the matter ?

thanks (and sorry for my poor english ^^)

oh, and for info, i’m using the tar.gz file (linux no install)

Well, i finally found :slight_smile:

I launched called bin/VP_Suite, and i choose community in the combobox.

Then i relaunched the /launcher/run_vpuml, and now it’s ok.

Sorry for the disturbment :slight_smile:

Hi cho7,

That is fine.

Thanks for using our product.