Visual Paradigm 11.1 Changelogs

Build 20140501

General Issues
Fixed strange line jump in ArchiMate diagram
Fixed ${pmLastModified} in Diagram Info Shape not reflect actual value
Fixed extension point not align to center of use case
Fixed visualize use case from Use Case List may produce broken association connector between primary actor and use case
Fixed unclear rule cell content in Business Rule Grid
Fixed show associations brakes specified multiplicity and resets it to 1
Fixed potential application hang when create shape in group shape in BPD
Fixed incorrect presentation of guard condition in loop when generate sequence diagram from use case Flow of Events
Fixed failed to roll back documentation change of diagram by performing "undo"
Fixed a rendering issue for business rule when shown as user defined image
Fixed duplicate class not duplicate its hidden attributes/operations
Fixed association end specification cannot show its multiplicity entered in association specification
Fixed a potential project reference lost after saving and reopening project
Fixed an issue related to Find and Replace
Fixed operation return type field failed to memorize last html/plain text selection
Fixed when merging data objects the links for the former data objects get lost
Fixed several issues related to association editing
Fixed deleting connectors and undo cause connected generalization drop to root
Supported word wrap in BPD call activity
Improved the layout of Use Case List
Improved the layout of License Manager screen
Replaced “input” with “scenario” in screens related to simulation

Fixed number of unread PostMania post not cleared in toolbar
Fixed PostMania comments added to a use case may lost after moving a use case to another diagram
Fixed duplicate notifications in PostMania Android
Fixed not following a diagram after opening post in PostMania pane
Fixed wrongly allowed notifying non-members when creating post
Corrected several PostMania viewer/member invitation behaviors
Supported removing PostMania viewers in administrator page
Supported bulk diagram sharing in PostMania
Supported removing pointer when posting comment in PostMania Topic Pane
Disallow selecting ‘myself’ as the person to notification when creating a post via PostMania Topic Pane
Improved the layout of PostMania Topic Pane
Improved the performance of PostMania
Improved the way date is displayed in PostMania page
Not to show Reference tab in web-based PostMania, when no reference
Automatic scroll down to new PostMania post in PostMania Topic Pane

Collaborative Modeling
Fixed a potential hang when committing project
Fixed foreign Key type length being changed after committing
Fixed commit project reset diagram’s "Last Modified Date"
Fixed Use Case List closed when open a past revision
Fixed unable to create project in server for Teamwork Server Basic Editor
Fixed part of a curve connector not rendered after committing
Supported secure LDAP in Teamwork Server

Fixed selection of checkbox in wireframe being cleared when clicking on radio button
Fixed a bad editing behavior of wireframe menu
Fixed undo failed on moving wireframe split view
Fixed several issues related to copy and paste of wireframe picker view
Fixed “Same size (Follow Largest)” does not work on wireframe diagram
Fixed value of timing for “Press and Hold” wireframe gesture not being applied properly

Database Design/ERD
Fixed renaming entity not update the corresponding “Table” name in database view editor
Fixed missing space between column name and filter in SQL statement of database view
Fixed “Scroll to” in popup menu shows wrong entity name
Improved the positioning of connectors automatically created in database view editor
Removed the redundant “discriminator” property in Property Pane for database view
Removed the Pin buttons for connectors in database view editor
Supported zerofill for MySQL DB during reverse engineering of database

Code Engineering/ORM
Fixed unmatched property constant with value in hbm.xml
Fixed a parse error related to typedef in C++ Round-Trip
Improved the layout of Instant Reverse window

Fixed Table of Contents for report (in Report Composer) not reloaded when reopen project, when created with template
Fixed project publisher generated non-used images
Supported optionally copying referenced folder to publisher outcome
Not to show any prompt when failed to export report from Report Composer via command line

Build 20140601

General Fixes/Enhancements
Fixed bad rendering of association caption when setting association name in specification window
Fixed wrong mind map node color caused by undo in mind map diagram
Fixed non-working keyboard shortcuts when in specification window
Fixed split entity in ERD produce redundant space in entity shape
Fixed project not marked modified when rename logical view under nickname mode
Fixed Customize Show Columns window wrongly lists hidden columns as non hidden
Fixed fail to change font color in use case detail’s documentation pane
Fixed an issue related to the switching of requirement attribute type between HTML and non-HTML
Fixed an issue related to clearing bullet points in documentation
Fixed diagram shift when saving project
Fixed print preview failed to show diagram content (case specific)
Fixed several diagramming issues in BPD
Fixed newly created requirement not list in Requirement List
Fixed missing nickname while export nickname to XML
Improved email checking for registering Visual Paradigm Community Edition
Improved Visual Diff’s compare result
Handled model element links in documentation in refactoring
Moved visualparadigm folder to Roaming profile
Updated Help contents

Fixed wrong PostMania marker location in Android
Fixed a bad dialog box that appears when trying to view a non-permitted diagram in PostMania (web)
Fixed accepted member not show up in Tasifier after the acceptance of invitation
Fixed PostMania failed to show long project name properly
Fixed narrow PostMania Topic Pane
Improved the way date is displayed in PostMania

Collaborative Modeling
Fixed a case that can produce master view in sub diagram upon committing project
Fixed a VPository memory leak issue
Fixed tagged values become hidden after conflict resolution
Fixed missing thumbnail in Open Project window
Fixed custom sorting in Model Explorer lost after commit
Improved VPository performance
Improved the appearance of anonymous member’s avatar in Visual Paradigm
Made non-accessible task not clickable in Tasifier inbox
Made hyperlinks clickable in task, in Tasifier (Visual Paradigm)

Fixed bad snapping behavior for wireframe table
Fixed messy wireframe element after pasted, if the source elements are put near container’s border
Fixed duplicate wireframe took a long time to finish
Improved the quality of wireframe in slideshow

Code Engineering/ORM
Fixed Predefined Macro (in C++ round-trip) failed to apply change when hit OK
Fixed generated ORM sample code uncompilable
Fixed several issues in PHP reverse engineering
Fixed Extension of a class does not generate “restriction base” in XSD

Fixed redundant spacing around styled text in report
Fixed font size of numbered lists are different between report and tool

Build 20140702

General Fixes/Enhancements
Fixed a license issue in Community Edition
Fixed a lot of undo is required for rolling back the use of sweeper in wireframe
Fixed an issue related to importing Visio file (with ERD in it)
Fixed unable to restore deleted image shape with Visual History
Fixed move pool doesn’t move contained BPMN Group
Fixed missing color for stereotyped lifeline, when re-use from another diagram
Fixed a resize problem of state shape
Fixed missing style
Fixed back connector produced when synchronizing flow of events to activity diagram
Fixed “References by” not being analyzed in analysis diagram
Fixed dragging lifeline in communication diagram doesn’t update the position of associated message
Fixed wrong status (project management attribute) value in report
Disallowed moving shapes in Visual Diff window
Supported creating lifeline from SysML block
Supported displaying operation of interface (box) in component diagram
Made “auto expand border” feature default off

Collaborative Modeling
Fixed bad sequence diagram after commit project
Fixed empty content of Tasifier pane after open task link
Disallowed VPository owner to remove his own permission

Disabled Duplicate menu when the active shape selection is phone case, in wireframe
Disallowed having shapes overlapped with phone case when duplicate shapes in Android wireframe

[Code Engineering/ORM[/b]
Fixed a PostMania (Android) login issue
Fixed an issue with JPA sample
Fixed an issue related to Instant Reverse
Fixed an issue related to updating database from ERD, caused by unique constraint
Fixed an issue related to C++ round-trip, caused by the use of template
Added new type for “Timestamp with time zone”

Build 20140801

General Fixes/Enhancements
Fixed carriage return character is cleared in text box after formatting text
Fixed magnet incorrect push shapes in sequence diagram out of diagram range
Fixed pressing Esc when using magnet in sequence diagram may ruin the layout of create message
Fixed export XMI wrongly convert uml:DataType to uml:Class
Fixed reference (shape) indicator causes Activity name cannot be shown completely
Fixed wireframe tree’s content paint out of bound
Fixed a problem that makes viewer unable to view post in PostMania
Fixed bad positioning of shape when zoom out after creation
Fixed a bad diagram sizing behavior for diagram displayed in Report Composer
Fixed bad positioning of task caption when reopen project
Fixed “Show parameter code details” does not work
Fixed unexpected master view deletion
Fixed resize lifeline moves attaching self message
Fixed sequence message create in wrong position when release mouse
Fixed bad accelerator key assignment in column specification
Improve the layout algorithm of communication diagram
Supported setting multiple operations to "virtual"
Supported showing tagged values for nodes in mind map diagram
Updated Polish translation
Not to print cork board when printing brainstorm diagram

Code Engineering/ORM
Fixed a C++ reverse engineering issue related to the use of template class
Fixed missing “scale” attribute in NHibernate mappings
Fixed an unneeded dependency to ORM library in generated code

Build 20140906

General Fixes/Enhancements
Fixed reverse engineering not working properly for Oracle database
Fixed missing space between model element and text in report
Fixed importing Excel produce bad model
Fixed unrecognized ‘max’ length in database reversal
Fixed Documentation Pane wrongly consumed open specification’s documentation editor’s focus
Fixed a VPository upgrade issue

Build 20141001

General Fixes/Enhancements
Fixed several issues related to sequence diagram editor
Fixed report wrongly uses plural in English form even user’s UI is not in English
Fixed wireframe element moved after undo deletion and committing
Fixed several undo/redo issues
Fixed association become non-persistable after synchronization

Build 20141101

General Fixes/Enhancements
Fixed a performance issue related to copying shapes in wireframe
Fixed an error in generating code in Eclipse
Fixed ‘Show other Views’ not shows view in nickname
Fixed formats assigned to stereotype not applied
Avoided invalid characters in filename when saving
Disallowed adding referenced projects’ elements into Chart

Build 20141201

Fixed nicknames of referenced diagram in ‘Original’ only
Fixed removing stereotype not restore original style setting
Fixed an issue that may cause Teamwork File be deleted after committing project
Avoided multiple ID fields in requirement

Build 20150201

Fixed a potential deadlock in project opening
Fixed wrong wireframe label position after being moved in child state
Fixed wireframe label lost when undo deleting a different widget in the same wireframe
Fixed several memory issues

Build 20150302

Fixed a project saving issue in Eclipse integration
Fixed missing connector end when creating many-to-many relationship in ERD
Fixed missing tagged value when multiple users have added a new tag and committed project
Fixed vanished wireframe after undo copying wireframe widgets