August 30, 2022, 9:42am
Fixed Standard Edition unable to edit legend and labels in Customer Journey Map issue.
Fix Doc. Composer retrieved wrong state from referenced wireframe.
Fixed Doc. Composer not fully show content in Styles table.
Fixed fail to reverse Open API/Swagger file issue.
Fixed fail to reverse expression from MySQL DDL file issue.
Fixed project not being listed after first time login to VP Online/Teamwork Server.
Fixed DS Connector unable to connect to latest version of VP Online/Teamwork Server.
Fixed association role moved unexpectedly after switching nickname issue.
Fixed unable to delete last view of model element issue.
Fixed generate incorrect analysis diagram between glossary and alias issue.
Fixed Use Case Details editor unable to search actors on Mac issue.
Enhanced speed on open Teamwork Client dialog.
September 22, 2022, 8:22am
Fixed cannot edit Customer Journey Map/Process Map’s legend or labels in Standard Edition problem.
Fixed Use Case Details editor on Mac cannot perform actor search problem.
Fixed association role caption moved when switch between nickname problem.
Fixed duplicate recursively generate inconsistent model problem.
Fixed duplicate recursively wrongly duplicate Activity Diagram Swimlane problem.
Fixed Analysis Diagram wrongly calculate analysis result due to similar glossary and alias naming.
Fixed Scrum Work Item not showing green tick even item being completed problem.
Fixed slow to open Teamwork Client dialog problem.
Fixed Teamwork Client fail to show sub-level folders problem.
Fixed Teamwork Server fail to delete user problem.
Fixed import project to repository missed out folder structure problem.
Fixed unable to show nested project folders in VP Online/Teamwork Server issue.
Fixed Doc. Composer missing heading styles issue.
Fixed Doc. Composer HasValueChecker fail to check on blank HTML content property.
Fixed VP fail to run when integrate with IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.
Fixed Python Instant Generator wrongly handle double as complex type.
Fixed fail to reverse MySQL’s DDL due to expression problem.
Enhanced generation of comments from ERD to Snowflake DB.
Enhanced message on delete master view of RequestBody and ResponseBody elements.
September 22, 2022, 8:22am
Fixed software activation fail on Window 11 issue.
November 15, 2022, 8:39am
Fixed deal loop in BPMN simulation issue.
Fixed link in VP Online diagram not linked diagram within VP desktop application issue.
Fixed VP Online diagram having turning point handler far away from connector issue.
Fixed waypoint on VP Online diagram not working issue.
Fixed fail to update VP Server with PostgreSQL database to new version issue.
Fixed several ArchiMate element haven’t automatically move caption to top when containing other elements issue.
Fixed fail to import model from Excel when data is in RAW or model type per sheet issue.
Fixed ID mapping issue on import BPMN XML.
Enhance VP Online diagram having word wrap as default.
November 15, 2022, 8:52am
Fixed VP Server/VP Online export & import user’s details via XML didn’t retain user’s permission issue.
Fixed User Story sync to Tasifier create tasks with unknown tag issue.
Fixed fail to export heatmap to image problem.
Fixed application may being hang while perform system check problem.
Enhance reverse engineering of Oracle’s DDL by support “collate”.
Enhance generation of alter statement on computed columns for SQL Server.
Enhance user interface to make dialogs auto fit with smaller screen size.
December 12, 2022, 9:17am
Fixed in/out flow in sub-diagram being shown even configured to hide away issue.
Fixed wrong length map between SQL Server uniqueidentifier and MySQL varchar issue.
Fixed loss column domain when synchronize from logical ERD to physical ERD issue.
Fixed export diagram to XML via command line interface fail to filter out diagram issue.
Fixed model element missing navigate to story map icon issue.
Fixed Matrix Diagram fail to refresh after add port to component issue.
Fixed unable to create Gantt Chart when no network access issue.
Fixed Gauge chart missing unit setting issue.
Fixed missing Doc. Composer templates for Note issue.
January 12, 2023, 6:42am
Fixed unable to update VP Server which using Oracle as DB issue.
Fixed unable to generate class description to Swagger issue.
Fixed cannot record voice to model elements on Mac issue.
Fixed Stereotype show dependent model elements return zero count issue.
Fixed wrong page orientation in printout issue.
Fixed sync. Logical Data Model to Physical Data Model generate duplicate columns issue.
Fixed bad font rendering on some languages in Gantt Chart issue.
Fixed cannot cloud Visual History dialog problem.
Fixed ETL table missing button after switch between built-in model element & diagram issue.
Fixed export & import model from XMI missing state transition trigger issue.
*Fixed export & import model from XMI generate duplicated activities issue.
Fixed Gauge chart hang when maximum value equals to minimum value issue.
Fixed comment not fully handled during DDL reverse engineering issue.
Fixed ArchiMate element caption disappear after project commit issue.
Fixed refactoring generate duplicate stereotypes issue.
Fixed fail to list project members for lock diagram content in branch project issue.
Fixed user authentication in Teamwork Server/VP Online may consumed extra floating license issue.
Support remove cached image files in project.
Support readOnly attribute in Swagger3 code generation.
Added search box to “add member to group” and “add project to member” dialog in server repository administration interface.
February 21, 2023, 6:49am
Fixed unable to indent bullet point in web diagram text box issue.
Fixed Teamwork Server/VP Online fail to handle user password with Polish diacritical marks issue.
Fixed import BPMN XML unable to create diagram issue.
Fixed entity auto-column configuration may wrongly apply to column problem.
Fixed Open Project unable to show File Chooser on Mac issue.
Fixed online editor fail to import VSS to become library issue.
April 13, 2023, 10:09am
Fixed ETL table unable to display and edit tagged values for reference model element issue.
Fixed ETL table auto reset scope problem.
Fixed description resource icon overlapped with BPMN Data Object issue.
Fixed wrongly apply background style to element when modify styles in stereotypes issue.
Fixed caption placement in stereotype formatting not apply to component tissue.
Fixed remove stereotype from model element won’t remove associated styles issue.
Fixed ArchiMate Application Component wrongly having caption show on top left of diagram when present with user defined image issue.
Fixed unable to open sub-process diagram or SubMachine in reference project issue.
Fixed fail to commit project caused by MysqlDataTruncation problem.
Fixed switch between trunk and branch projects issue.
Fixed bad login flow when open project not bellows to current connecting repository issue.
Enhance performance on open Teamwork Client dialog.
Fixed local embedded serve won’t run in engineering model as VP Desktop issue.
Fixed Project Publisher fail to publish project via command line interface issue.
Fixed fail to open Manage Numbering dialog for Doc. Composer issue.
Fixed C# Instant Reverse fail to crate relationships between reversed class models issue.
Fixed fail to reverse bpchar from PostgreSQL DDL issue.
Fixed About dialog not fit to screen size issue.
Fixed Logical View unable to fully show Chinese text issue.
Fixed Open Project dialog unable to search project issue.
Fixed fail to migrate VP Server from 12.1 to 17.0 issue.
Enhanced Sankey diagram to support show values on chart.
Enhance open project behaviour for checkout project from repository.
June 26, 2023, 7:09am
Fixed fail to publish project with wireframes issue.
Fixed open project dialog & Teamwork Client baseline control dialog shows branches multiple times issue.
Fixed unable to remove branches from Teamwork Client dialog.
Fixed fail to import all models from Excel problem.
Fixed diagram generate by Project Publisher not in correct order issue.
Fixed issue about Doc. Composer default diagram details template cannot output all details of the diagram.
Fixed settings on Matrix Diagram loss setting after commit to project to repository issue.
Fixed no combined key being generated on M:N relationship when sync from logical ERD to physical ERD.
Enhance Teamwork Server/VPostiory User Group add member dialog to only show available members.
Enhancement on Teawwork Client dialog.
Enhance space calculation in VPository
June 26, 2023, 7:09am
Fixed fail to copy model from activity diagram problem.
Fixed user group involved in PERT chart may generate exception in server log issue.