- Fixed problem on unable to duplicate Activity Diagram.
- Fixed exception related remove member from repository project while member was in a group.
- Fixed fail to open Tasifier after server upgrade from v17.0 issue.
- Fixed fail to generate document form Doc. Composer issue.
- Fixed Project Publisher command line script fail to publish project issue.
- Fixed user fail to login to Teamwork Server/VP Online when configured with SAML via Microsoft Azure with X509 MultiFactor authentication method issue.
- Fixed unable to edit Doc. Composer template issue.
- Fixed Doc. Composer Fill-in Doc. loss configuration issue.
- Fixed export Customer Journey Map to PDF/PNG generated blank content issue.
- Fixed fail to create task tag in VP Online’s Tasifier issue.
- Fixed fail to save project related to SysML Block Definition Diagram issue.
- Fixed DS Connector fail to update according to its connecting Teamwork Server/VP Online issue.
- Fixed Open Project dialog not show the trunk project even selected a branch issue.
- Fixed connection timeout when reverse Azure DB issue.
- Support Manager role on folder in Teamwork Server/VP Online.
- Support default group for Teamwork Server/VP Online project & user.
- Split Teamwork Server/VP Online single group management permission to create, update and delete permissions.
- Update VP Server bundled Spring library to version 5.3.22.
- Fixed no model connector on Component Diagram issue.
- Fixed unable to add sub-diagram to auxiliary view shape issue.
- Fixed unable to download template for online based diagram issue.
- Fixed delete auxiliary view connector wrongly prompt master view dialog check issue.
- Fixed unable to load VP Online diagram issue.
- Fixed unable to reverse multiple operation call within a single Java statement into sequence diagram issue.
- Fixed stack overflow error on reverse yaml issue.
- Fixed Null Pointer Exception when generate swagger issue.
- Fixed not generate all response in swagger code generation issue.
- Support PHP8 named arguments in PHP Instant Reverse.
- Support multiline string in Java round-trip code engineering.
- Fixed cannot merge branch project into trunk issue.
- Fixed conflict detail cannot show in conflict resolution dialog issue.
- Fixed user cannot activate his account in Teamwork Server under SSL and SAML integration issue.
- Fixed generate database for MS SQL Server wrongly quote default value for entity’s column default value issue.
- Fixed generate database for MS SQL Server unable handle “replace” keyword in entity’s column default value issue.
- Fixed reverse PostgreSQL unable to handle “with(…)” syntax on create table statement issue.
- Fixed reverse PostgreSQL unable to handle COLLATE syntax on create index statement issue.
- Fixed 404 error on published project content issue.
- Fixed publish project to VPository returned wrong URL issue.
- Fixed DPI setting not apply to export VP Online diagram to image issue.
- Enhanced VP Server to support PostgreSQL 15.
- Optimize performance of Teamwork Client dialog.
- Enhance security for several static page in VP Server.
- Enhanced database connection pool on DS Connector.
- Enhanced DS Connector support using CN as login ID if email address not found on user’s entry.
- Enhance default group for new member options support SSO integration.
- Support model reference data in Excel data export & import.
- Support create Just-in-time process before project being saved to repository.
- Fixed repository consider project being published even publishing was fail issue.
- Fixed internal server error after update VP Server issue.
- Fixed setting interface to ball presentation via Plugin API causing caption show in bad position issue.
- Fixed copy diagram wrongly linked diagram legend between the two diagrams issue.
- Fixed fail to present requirement models with primitive shape issue.
- Fixed import project XML generated no-name styles issue.
- Fixed cannot edit no-name styles issue.
- Fixed fail to save project due to model contain too many children model elements issue.
- Fixed 404 Error when switching tabs in published project content issue.
- Fixed publish project ignored “Generate referenced project diagrams” option issue.
- Fixed publish project via command line prompt for specify reference project’s nickname issue.
- Fixed reverse database to ERD generated extra columns on composite key relationship issue.
- Fixed reverse SQL Server DDL handled varchar(max) into varchar(255) issue.
- Fixed fail to show Database Configuration dialog issue.
- Fixed fail to revers DDL caused by wrong definition in parser issue.
- Fixed wrongly deploy Mac version’s embedded server when running VP on Window Server 2022 issue.
- Added error code to “Your project doesn’t belong to the currently logged-in server” issue.
- Fixed BPMN shape size increase when toggle on/off show tagged values issue.
- Fixed parallel fork not work in BPMN simulation issue.
- Fixed wrongly show add column menu for entity mirrored from reference project issue.
- Fixed undo problem on setting border of wireframe widget issue.
- Fixed no web service classes generate for JAX-RS (Jersey) for Swagger 2 issue.
- Fixed Project Publisher prompt user for to login to Teamwork Server/VP Online when perform publishing via command line issue.
- Fixed content generated by Project Publisher not follow Show stereotype icon for model element tree option.
- Fixed export wireframe diagram as image using plugin in command line issue.
- Fixed VP Server fail to perform backup via build-in backup script issue.
- Added horizontal scrollbar for Conditions and Actions section in Decision table.
- Added error code for Teamwork Client fail to login via Google login error.
- Fixed horizontal scroll bar in Decision Table rules column issue.
- Fixed fail to export diagram to image via plugin run from command line issue.
- Fixed missing workspace parameter in Project Publisher command script issue.
- Fixed issue about unable to remove user from Teamwork Server who used to configure SAML authorization.
- Support output project’s teamwork revision as property in Doc. Composer.
- Support PreferredElement.FullName in Doc. Composer.
- Fixed reverse SQL Server ddl wrongly handle varchar(max) as varchar(255) issue.
- Fixed reference model in Grid Diagram not show in fully qualified name issue.
- Fixed Matrix Diagram fail to show relationship under collapsed directory structure issue.
- Fixed fail to retrieve composite element’s teamwork change details via Doc. Composer.
- Fixed export document to PDF generate duplicated first row for multi-page table issue.
- Fixed publish both trunk and branch projects to repository triggered 500 error on repository edit project page issue.
- Fixed fail to upload plugin to repository issue.
- Fixed team repository connection picked up wrong proxy setting issue.
- Support collapse/expend all in Matrix diagram.
- Fixed VP Desktop application slow start up issue.
- Changed VP Server service startup using Local System Account.
- Fixed VP Server system service won’t auto start right after service being setup issue.
- Fixed fail to import work item to Just-in-time process issue.
- Fixed Chart Diagram wrongly render BPMN pools and lanes issue.
- Fixed links in HTML description fail to render in exported MS Word document issue.
- Fixed page view setting causing bad performance in web diagram issue.
- Fixed caption for FactType misplaced after commit issue.
- Fixed fail to reverse Oracle’s DDL into ERD problem.
- Fixed Tasifier Inbox unable to show message issue.
- Support auto reset FactType caption position.
- Support custom search attribute in Active Directory integration.
- Support retrieve elements tagged value changes between teamwork work revisions via Doc. Composer.
- Support import STEPS Wizard via URL.
- Changed VP Server system service start from Local System account.
- Changed Use Case Requirement Specification become one of the default available template in Doc. Composer.
- Fixed fail to commit project to repository issue.
- Fixed misaligned elements between touch point and Experience chart in Customer Journey Map problem.
- Fixed unable to create candidate item from Textual Analysis issue.
- Fixed ETL table wrongly handle “greater than or equals to” operator as “greater than” operator issue.
- Fixed repository return NPE error during project commit issue.
- Fixed unable to configure SSO with Microsoft Azure issue.
- Fixed VP Client fail to login to VP Online issue.
- Fixed NPE when generate update database script issue.
- Fixed fail to import logical ERD Excel data issue.
- Fixed bad message panel on newly created diagram problem.
- Fixed Model Explorer tree truncated element’s name issue.
- Fixed scrolling problem on decision table.
- Fixed UI flash when open both element’s specification and PostMania pane issue.
- Fixed dockable pane running slow on Mac issue.
- Fixed difficult to lock Scrum Canvas after customization issue.
- Introduce Model Element based Teamwork Revision Differences Doc. Composer template.
- Enhanced ERD Data Specification Doc. Composer template.
- Enhanced tooltip for Excel export/import feature in Business Rule Grid.