Visual Paradigm isn´t opening in VB


When I try to open the Visual Paradigm in VB to generate a UML model before the code it´s stay in an infinity open procedure and just not open the Visual Paradigm.

Any ideas?


Dear Lucas_de_Souza,

Thank you for your inquiry. We would like to collect your log file for checking. Could you start Visual Paradigm, export the log file the About window (Help > About) and then upload to the following folder?
Password: n8fnkjdsg9ndg

Note: Only Visual Paradigm support team will have access to your uploaded file.

Best regards,
Jick Yeung

Hi, Jick!

Please, verify if you received the file .zip.


Hi Lucas_de_Souza,

Yes, we have received your file. Thank you. According to the log file, it looks like there is a file that failed to be copied to your Visual Studio directory. This kind of problem could be caused by a lack of admin permission in running the IDE. Could you try running Visual Studio with admin right? (i.e. right-click on the Shortcut and select Run as Administrator)

Best regards,
Jick Yeung