General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed missing ‘Term’ selection when try to create matrix with diagram as scope
Fixed hang when synchronize source code from model in Mac Eclipse STS
Fixed strange label prefix show in Excel exported from glossary
Fixed bad label background in report generation window
Fixed connector-end float in the air after dragging
Fixed incorrect angle of message arrow when cleared all turning points on a connector
Fixed a large number of undo action is produced when creating recursive message
Fixed shape reference lost if the shape comes from referenced project
Disallowed changing grid setting when the edition of product doesn’t support editing grid
Supported importing/exporting BPMN 2.0 XML extensionElements as tagged value
Fixed unable to acquire floating license key from VP-UML started from IDE
Fixed IDE prompts user to select license type after expiry of evaluation
Fixed Visual Studio hang after showing the message about the expiry of evaluation
Fixed unable to start product when import a lower edition license after the expiry of evaluation
Added Retry button in floating license server configuration screen
Fixed reference of diagram not generated in report
Fixed sorting in report diagram template in IterationBlock not working
Disallowed constructing report (in report composer) directly from class member (or template of class member)
Supported showing table header repeatedly in report composer
Team Collaboration
Fixed unable to create project in Perforce when project name contain space and create in new folder
Fixed revert revision ask me save current project
Fixed commit window show forever when perform commit during the server is down
Hibernate/ORM/Database Engineering
Fixed connection to MySQL under PHP does not work when password contains '@'
Fixed missing nullable annotations in generated ORM code
General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed exception throw when create control operator activity
Fixed unable to render images in flow of events in Print window
Fixed unable to sort classifier in attribute tab of class
Fixed removing In-Message doesn’t remove Out-Message when both are using the same message
Fixed documentation pane crashed when re-enable
Fixed a performance issue related to Excel importing
Fixed tagged value name automatically changed
Fixed association class is always created in project root level
Fixed when add properties, the last property sometimes disappears (SysML)
Fixed resize of free hand shape does not snap to grid
Hide label in “Add Label(s) to Selected Term” window if the label was selected for the selected Terms
Filled background and drew border for focusing number in flow of events editor
Supported reading external template folder for Report Composer
Supported getElementFont() for IShapeUIModel in plug-in
Removed a .sh script file in Windows No-Install package
Fixed floating license does not work on Eclipse STS
Fixed importing perpetual license in standalone VP-UML does not affect the VP-UML installed in IDE
Fixed unable to use https in floating license server
Improved several screens related to changing license
Fixed corrupted activity diagram caused by the use of sweeper
Fixed magnet push shapes instead of attracting shape (case specific)
Fixed magnet cause broken swimlane partition
Fixed broken model caused by the use of referenced project data of referenced project
Fixed user-defined tag unexpectedly created due to the use of referenced project data of referenced project
Improved error messages shown when failed to perform refactoring
Supported transiting to class members of class in referenced project
Team Collaboration
Fixed unable to show non-English characters in VP Server web login page
Fixed unable to revert modification of Teamwork File
Fixed resolving conflicts related to connector may dislocate shape catpion
Data Modeling
Fixed undo duplicating multiple columns does not update entity size
Fixed the name of generated PK column does not follow the setting
Fixed Foreign Key data is not available in Table Record Editor
General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed bad ordering of stereotype’s tagged value
Fixed attribute/operation/parameter’s transition information do not show in exported Excel
Fixed problematic shape movement behavior in activity diagram, when having swimlane put at the top left of diagram
Fixed able to create cyclic generalization for actors with gesture
Fixed requirement ID not print to report diagram
Fixed unclear event number in flow of events editor
Fixed resizing message caption in communication diagram keeps vibrating (case specific)
Fixed the Find function doesn’t support case in-sensitivity
Fixed resizing screen results in different layout of class diagram
Fixed 64-bit installation unable to perform "Copy to Clipboard as EMF"
Supported visualizing association class from association
Supported adjusting maximum memory in About window
Supported Visual Studio 2012 in IDE integration
Updated Polish language file
Documentation Editor
Fixed documentation content crashed, related to the use of HTML list
Fixed pressing Shift-Tab in front of a list item in documentation pane may cause the list crashed
Fixed setting color to text in textual analysis doesn’t cause project modified
Fixed image in documentation not show up after duplicate element from reference project
Fixed Textual Analysis doesn’t underline words with spelling mistake
Fixed bad font for text in documentation, when cleared formats
Code Generation
Fixed Java Enum not generated in sequence diagrams
Fixed code generation problem for Enumeration class implementing Interface
Team Collaboration
Fixed merging from branch may cause attributes be delete
Fixed bad partition header when commit after using sweeper
Fixed shape lost after several move+delete+ commit actions
Fixed viewer edition wrongly allowed reverting project
Fixed viewer edition wrongly allowed updating TW project
Fixed damaged activity swimlane after committing
Data Modeling/Hibernate/ORM/DB Engineering
Fixed unable to reverse check constraint from database
Fixed @Version annotation is not generated to superclass in ORM code
Fixed wrong delimiter position for generate sybase ASE DDL
General Issues
Fixed unable to create part & property if composite structure diagram is a sub-diagram of class
Fixed a problem of not showing diagram content (project specific)
Fixed newly added tagged values put at wrong position when reopen spec
Fixed unable to open project file from network location on Mac
Fixed missing “Relationship” when create BusinessObject from BusinessRole’s generic resource centric
Improved the rendering of curve connector when it is in straight line
Improved the way Latin2 characters are sorted in glossary grid
Avoided showing stop sign when attempting to create text annotation shape in lane
Supported dragging and dropping diagram element to spec dialog to create transit
Rewritten the message that shown when subscription is about to expire
Supported generating code for attribute that uses built-in data type as attribute type
Supported showing referenced project data hierarchy in multiple referenced project nodes in Diagram Navigator
Supported generating RACI chart to report in BP-VA AE
Enhanced Project Anonymous Tool to support multiple projects
Documentation Editor
Fixed unable to delete bullet points in documentation
Supported creation/deletion of multiple rows/columns in HTML tables
Supported using documentation template from reference project
Team Collaboration
Fixed several issues related to the use of “Delete” and “Backspace” key in documentation editor
Fixed unable to commit changes to the presentation options of a component
Fixed commit project loss documentation (Case specific)
Fixed an issue related to committing to ClearCase
Fixed Logical View being duplicated after commit
Fixed wrong freehand connector end position after moving connected shape and committing
Improved the checking of lock releasing
Cleared temp files produced by Teamwork Server
Data Modeling/Hibernate/ORM/DB Engineering
Fixed FrontBase SQL (DDL) Generation does not always specify the Schema
Fixed @Embedded always generate as field annotation but not follow advanced setting
Fixed reverse DDL wrongly treat default null for varchar column with null as default value
Supported synchronizing attribute’s multiplicity and column nullable