VP-UML 10.2, BP-VA 10.2, Agilian 10.2, Teamwork Server 10.2

Build 20130705

Visual Paradigm for UML 10.2
Logizian 10.2
Agilian 10.2
Teamwork Server 10.2

Fixes and Enhancements

General Issues
Fixed duplicate classes along with associations may generate default role names for duplicate associations
Fixed unable to undo adding role to interface shape
Fixed a chance of creating invalid project reference when refactoring
Fixed bad operand in image exported from sequence diagram
Fixed a chance of clearing operation text after editing lifeline
Fixed exception throw when creating annotation on reference attribute
Disallowed deleting floating license key in client
Disallowed duplicating and deleting model elements for Zachman Framework
Supported showing selected text in Input URL dialog box when try to add a URL in note shape
Supported showing inherited operations in mirrored class
Supported Anonymous Bound Class option for bind dependency
Improved start-up time on Mac OS X
Renamed Report Inspector in Report Composer to Report Properties

Code Engineering
Fixed a C++ round-trip issue related to the use of template
Fixed freeze when instant reverse Java to sequence diagram

Team Collaboration
Fixed wrong position of return message flow after committing
Fixed visually corrupted project list after saving project in Teamwork Server
Fixed missing user name in Revisions tab in Teamwork Client window
Fixed a VPository connection issue
Fixed a chance of opening wrong project file when opening a branch project
Fixed bad font for certain property values that appear in Visual History window
Fixed a file creation error when create branch, caused by a server restart within session
Fixed create tag from branch may wrongly copied Teamwork Files from trunk
Refined password quality checking in VPository
Improved the positioning of visual indicators that show in diagram preview in Visual History window
Disallowed running Visual History with decision table
Disallowed showing deleted branch project in Open Project window
Improved the look of Emails sent from VPository

Data Modeling/Hibernate/ORM/DB Engineering
Fixed an issue related to generating SQL with trigger
Fixed inconsistent mapping between normal column and user type
Fixed incorrect foreign key name generated for association class

Disallowed producing long element ID resulted by importing Excel
Fixed not showing BPMN pool header after importing Visio
Handled French accents when importing Excel in Mac
Fixed import Visio failed to handle some shapes in lane shape
Fixed importing stereotype (from XML) failed to pick-up newly defined enumeration values

Build 20130901

Visual Paradigm for UML 10.2
Logizian 10.2
Agilian 10.2
Teamwork Server 10.2

Fixes and Enhancements

General Issues
Fixed unable to open the Format window via property pane when selected multiple shapes that are in different colors
Fixed an application repaint issue related to creating interface over attribute in SysML internal block diagram
Fixed an issue related to running product update program on Mac
Fixed unable to handle attributes in Signal when import to Eclipse papyrus
Fixed requirement ID is not filled if specification window is pinned and set to auto-focus
Fixed undo in sequence diagram may produce wrong message number (for manually edited number)
Fixed unable to create in sequence diagram multiple return messages between actors
Fixed stereotypes being duplicated in project
Fixed bad positioning of dependency end after performing ‘split with junction’
Fixed not able to wrap a text annotation in case of using links to model elements
Fixed cut and paste of elements within BPMN pools lose master view
Fixed bad z-order of shape for diagram imported from BizAgi file
Fixed line jump still appear when the overlapped connector is deleted
Fixed unable to reuse port by drag-and-drop from model explorer
Fixed several business process diagram editing problems, mostly related to zooming
Fixed wrong word is being underlined in shape when underlining glossary term
Fixed inconsistent Find results between find in reference project and current project
Changed “parent-child” to “parameter” when analyzing operation
Supported memorizing “Copy Type” option in copying image
Supported creating multiple model elements from ‘Related Elements’ menu
Supported connecting Signal with Class/Interface/etc with association
Supported changing product edition in License Manager
Supported spell checking for requirements’ properties
Improved the conversion process when opening a project saved under an old version
Improved the error message shown when importing workspace to workspace in use
Improved the consistency of columns’ width in decision table
Improved the stability of using resource-centric interface in diagram
Improved the focusing behavior in textual analysis, regarding the drop-down menu 'Type’
Improved the search function in the Open Project window
Improved the layout of Style list in Format Fill Color window
Ensure the most recently used stereotype is shown in the popup menu for stereotype assignment
Enhanced the re-routing behavior for association
Avoided parentless attribute in composite structure diagram if try to create attribute inside attribute
Made the URL field in Hyperlink dialog box focused when create hyperlink in documentation
Ignored action pin when apply same width with action
Included operation parameter is not included in analysis diagram

Code Engineering/ORM
Fixed unable to reverse to sequence diagram multicatching in JDK7
Fixed an error related to reverse engineering class diagram from PHP
Fixed the generated ORM doesn’t follow notation in the class diagram and has some issues with "ordered"
Fixed a problem that cause Eclipse integration failed to work
Fixed column documentation not being reversed to ERD
Fixed duplicate attribute in round-trip code engineering if association end set class to be owner
Fixed multiplicity of attribute not being reversed when performing instant reverse of XSD
Fixed instant reverse haven’t handle setting association attribute as owned by
Fixed nothing get done when trying to reverse a PostgreDB (case specific)
Fixed details are wrongly reversed from Hibernate mapping
Fixed the ordering of FK column in generated DDL not follow model
Handled the reserved word “Read” in Hibernate, for MySQL DB

Team Collaboration
Fixed delete trunk in Teamwork Server does not delete its branches
Fixed commit after duplicating mirror to current project will convert the duplicate element back to mirror
Fixed unable to start VP Server if VP Server’s folder contains space
Fixed checkout project looked for a wrong reference project
Fixed PostMania failed to show diagram
Fixed a null pointer exception that may happen when committing project
Added ‘Forget the server’ function in Teamwork Client window
Supported showing teamwork project revision number in report
Disallowed message pane to appear when using Visual History
Removed temp files in Teamwork Server

Fixed import Excel may incorrectly create stereotype that has no association with any element type
Fixed import Visio missing sequence flow
Fixed import Excel failed to import relationship between composite models
Fixed a project saving problem that happens after importing a project
Fixed requirement imported from another project file miss out attributes
Fixed diagram failed to render after import from another project
Supported French accents in Excel importing
Handled the abstract’s “Mapping” property in Excel exporting/importing
Improved the result of SCXML exporting

Fixed hang when trying to generate report using API
Fixed missing link between term and glossary grid in report when generate with template
Removed redundant line breaks in report outcome for documentation content
Removed redundant diagram properties in report
Skipped redundant “Goals” property in generated report
Improved the presentation of decision table in report

Build 20131004

Visual Paradigm for UML 10.2
Logizian 10.2
Agilian 10.2
Teamwork Server 10.2

Fixes and Enhancements

General Issues
Fixed Select All (Ctrl-A) may fail to select some connectors in diagram
Fixed bad indentation of text attribute in requirement when the text content contains bullet points
Fixed unable to open project file that is not ended with .vpp
Fixed inaccurate highlighting of glossary terms in shape body
Fixed several visual modeling issues related to state machine diagram
Fixed horizontal scrollbar may not appear sometimes
Fixed project management properties being duplicate when import project
Fixed corrupted lanes when using "Add Pools/Lanes from Parent Diagram"
Fixed Visio process diagram not correctly imported as BPD
Fixed unable to launch in Mac by standard user if the installation was done by admin
Fixed panel tabs in auto-hide mode do not honor application font set
Fixed several visual modeling issues related to BPD
Fixed unable to hide some of the diagram types via application customization
Fixed unable to delete text with the Delete key in package header, in Eclipse integration
Fixed intensive processing when editing in documentation editor
Fixed modal window being deactivated by pressing ALT-Tab
Not to show non supported menus in UI Customization
Not to show visibility symbol for port
Change port’s default visibility to public
Supported automatically selecting interface when creating required interface from typed request port
Disabled F9 key
Disallowed changing model element type from & to state region, operand, BPMN lane
Improved the way floating license keys are listed in VP Server

Code Engineering/ORM
Fixed unable to reverse code with @param in doc
Fixed Java instant reverse failed to update the ownedBy of association end
Fixed missing parameter in .cpp file during round-trip code generation

Team Collaboration
Fixed an InvocationTargetException that occurred when committing project

State machine diagram
Fixed damaged diagram content after undoing the deletion of state region
Fixed state name lost after adding internal transition to state region

Build 20131101

Visual Paradigm for UML 10.2
Logizian 10.2
Agilian 10.2
Teamwork Server 10.2

Fixes and Enhancements

General Issues
Fixed unable to create state inside region from an existing state
Fixed copy and paste decision table content produces bad HTML content
Fixed undo creating condition in decision table doesn’t stop editing mode
Fixed incorrect drop-down value for decision table cell
Fixed several issues associated with state machine diagram
Fixed unable to go back to parent submachine when click on ‘quick link’ above diagram
Fixed misaligned view and model for relationships before and after re-open project
Fixed component caption not resizable
Fixed bad embedded process size when resize with child shape
Fixed unable to synchronize from ERD to class diagrams
Fixed create new sequence message moves the caption of an existing sequence message
Fixed problematic diagram info shape content
Fixed Z-order problem related to undo/redo of the creation of package shape
Fixed document properties not correctly exported to MS Word
Fixed inactive property pane after trying to assign type to multiple attributes
Fixed exit application incorrectly prompted “Properties Modified” alert
Fixed no distinguish between transition name and the trigger
Fixed a format copier issue related to nickname
Fixed a copy and paste issue related to nickname
Supported ‘Show Association’ on attribute when its type does not exist
Supported listing list operation’s parameter in report template
Supported showing resource-centric interface when moving mouse pointer over message in sequence diagram
Supported conjugated port
Changed to sort lanes under “Show Lane” in alphabetical order

Code Engineering/ORM
Fixed Instant Reverse Ada code failed on rename statement
Fixed an issue related to the mapping between object model and data model
Fixed missing separator for triggers in generated SQL
Fixed blank dialog box appear when reverse engineering sequence diagram from Java source code
Fixed database connection failed to connect to a Postgresql DB for reverse engineering
Fixed error message appear when reversing JPA annotated Java class

Fixed linkage to diagram overview lost after XML export and import
Fixed unable to export Excel via command mode
Fixed export XML failure
Supported importing state machine diagram from Visio (.vdx)

Mac OS X Compatibility
Fixed an image shape rendering issue in Mac OS X
Fixed unable to undo editing of documentation with cmd-Z on Mac

Collaborative Modeling
Fixed a commit issue that lead to missing image shape
Made user permission override user group permission defined in LDAP
Prompted user to save entered project details when attempting to logout with project edit screen active

Build 20131202

Visual Paradigm for UML 10.2
Logizian 10.2
Agilian 10.2
Teamwork Server 10.2

Fixes and Enhancements

General Fixes/Enhancements
Fixed duplicate class with operation not copy nick return type documentation
Fixed unable to close specification window after removing reference under the referenced tab
Fixed a refactoring issue
Fixed an undo problem happened when editing text box’s content in nickname mode
Fixed shape not show up after redo of "delete (not delete child)"
Fixed unable to undo setting operation code detail via popup menu
Supported “Create to-be process” in Logizian Modeler Edition
Fixed unable to undo setting component’s presentation option via popup menu
Fixed stereotype disappear after assigning to and removing from a model element
Improved the way documentation is shown when playing an animation
Improved performance when adding referenced file on network drive
Supported undoing the creation of freehand connector
Made the configuration of mail server optional when just installing floating license server
Prompted duplicate URL when attempting to add multiple URL reference with same URL
Supported line wrapping for interactionUse in sequence diagram
Handled the visibility of class when applying design pattern

Fixed missing tagged value when importing from Rhapsody project
Fixed a BPMN 2.0 export problem related to the use of data object and data store
Fixed export to Excel fails to handle nicknames for diagram name and BPD text annotations

Collaborative Modeling
Fixed an error that appear when subscribing to VPository
Skipped the modification of the ‘Request reset caption size’ property when committing project
Supported SLES 11 for VP Server start script

Fixed Report Composer failed to show extension steps if extension added to more than one main step
Fixed inconsistent font for text that show in Report Composer

Code Engineering/ORM
Fixed unable reverse PHP with multiple implement and with namespace
Fixed generate database DDL extension reverts back to .ddl
Restricted the length of float type to not more than 53 in DDL generation
Supported retrieving current date in velocity template
Supported retrieving formatting date in velocity template

Fixes and Enhancements

Build 20140103

  • Fixed nickname documentation missing after delete and undo
  • Fixed unable to export BPMN by diagram popup menu
  • Fixed unable to generate operation from .m file
  • Fixed Report composer not generate references as hyperlinks
  • Fixed unable to auto-download SQL server driver
  • Fixed duplicate to current project not handle relationship correctly
  • Fixed commit and cancel makes commit no longer working
  • Fixed an abnormal termination issue
  • Fixed a branch creation issue when running in NetBeans
  • Fixed wrongly shown LDAP user name
  • Fixed file name for exported diagrams PDF not follow nickname
  • Fixed blank CRUD chart generated from BPD
  • Fixed application hang when editing
  • Fixed a ClearCase login issue
  • Fixed an inconsistent duplicate model behavior on transitor
  • Fixed IntelliJ crash when launching VP-UML
  • Fixed OpenAPI changing Rectangle.roundedValue & Callout.point1/2/3 cannot affect the showing shape immediatly
  • Fixed wrong numbering in sequence diagram
  • Fixed a Perforce server checkout issue
  • Fixed Sub-process diagram de-associated after importing BPMN
  • Fixed a project import issue
  • Fixed an OutOfMemory issue when publish project via scripts
  • Fixed empty diagram when transit conceptual model to physical model
  • Improved the menus in Nimbus look & feel
  • Supported IPolygon.setPoints(Point[]) in OpenAPI
  • Supported Report Composer templates for DataStores

Build 20140202

  • Fixed a problem associated with C# Hibernate code generation (related to association class)
  • Fixed action’s multi-line caption not being shown in PostMania
  • Fixed dangling connector end after removing column in entity and synchronzing to class diagram
  • Fixed exported nickname cannot be opened
  • Fixed unable to save the change of background color in matrix (diagram)
  • Fixed SQL error when updating database
  • Fixed ERD damaged after reopening project
  • Fixed caption moved after committing project
  • Fixed inline editing of attribute type makes it wrongly associated with another class
  • Fixed label position changed after switching nickname
  • Fixed non-resolvable conflicts during commit
  • Fixed inconsistent XSD namespace prefix generated
  • Fixed import project XML cause template becomes null
  • Fixed a UI crash issue
  • Fixed a BPD connector issue related to zooming
  • Fixed unable to change font color for text in BPD text annotation

Build 20140302

  • Fixed a problem with printing active diagram
  • Fixed problem connectros in Process Map after zooming in and out
  • Fixed export SCXML haven’t handled region
  • Fixed import Excel erased content
  • Fixed a project commit issue
  • Fixed application hang caused by auto-save
  • Fixed a diagram painting issue
  • Fixed abstract operation not generated as abstract in Instant Generator
  • Fixed disappeared connector when cut and paste Activity Diagram
  • Fixed a PHP Instant Reverse issue
  • Improved the performance of Project Publisher
  • Disallowed the deletion of ZachmanFramework root node in Model Explorer
  • Avoided duplicated Logical View folder produced by team operation

Build 20140401
Fixed misbehaved Instant Generator caused by referenced project
Fixed a problem with refactoring
Fixed bad class size when trying to show attribute as association end
Fixed ArchiMate shape caption lost
Fixed problematic group resize behavior
Fixed parse error when reversing C++ files (case specific)
Fixed broken model when duplicate recursively
Fixed a bug related to deleting actor
Fixed a VPository login issue
Improved the consistency of line ending in generated DDL

Build 20140502
Fixed merging actions between partitions cause actions duplicated
Fixed bad connector position in composite structure diagram
Fixed connectors detached frm shape when changing from user image to standard presentation
Fixed a commit project problem that happened after upgrading 8.3 to 11.0
Fixed grid not reflect change of model element name
Fixed Export XML window cannot be closed
Fixed a diagram hang problem
Fixed bad positioning of BPP Strategies in Report Composer template
Fixed Project Publisher produces non-related images
Fixed “select in tree” and “show view” not working
Fixed links for former Data Objects got lost when merging Data Objects
Fixed delete connectors and undo cause connected generalization drop to root
Fixed deadlock when committing project
Improved the way result compared result is printed in Visual Diff window
Supported mass conflict resolution for conflicts associated with Report Composer contents
Supported not to show master and auxiliary view indicator in publisher outcome
Close all dialog boxes before committing project

Build 20140601
Fixed unable to show diagram hierarchy in Diagram Navigator
Fixed teamwork operations may caused the production of master-view in sub-diagram
Fixed a problem related to ‘list’ in documentation editor
Fixed missing project thumbnail in Open Project window
Fixed various cases that can produce bad connector in BPD
Fixed missing nickname while export nickname to XML
Fixed extension of a class does not generate “restriction base” in XSD
Fixed an issue related to generating update database scripts
Improved the way result compared result is printed in Visual Diff window
Preserved model element linkages in documentation in refactoring
Made referenced diagram in comment of BPD linkable in publisher outcome

Build 20140702
Fixed bad sequence diagram after committing project
Fixed slow application response after importing Excel
Fixed bad image size in generated report
Improved the performance on committing project
Improved the error message that shows when refactoring

Build 20140801
Fixed unable to read a post in PostMania
Fixed a project related to committing project
Fixed a problematic connector behavior
FIxed a problem related to dragging class