General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed unable to effectively reposition pinned association end along the edge of shape
Fixed an issue related to duplicating recursively a model that contains sequence diagram in it
Fixed convert business role to business actor miss out comment
Fixed a project-specific StackOverFlow issue
Supported hiding non edited properties in Change Model Element Type window
Added tooltips for property values show in Change Model Element Type window
Improved labels in Change Model Element Type window
Improved application performance slightly
Disallowed undo after changing element type
Not to show quality score in Change Model Element Type window
License Key
Fixed mis-handled upgrade license key
Report Editing/Generation
Fixed report generation with template failed to show flow of events extension points
Fixed progress bar show when preview report in report template editor failed to show progress
Supported showing diagram name in Project Publishing dialog box
Removed length when showing column type in report
Fixed print preview stop working after several changes of configuration settings
Team Collaboration
Supported deleting tags from Teamwork Client window
Fixed fail to migrate VP Teamwork Server to new version
Improved PostMania GUI
Fixed memory leak in Animacian
Fixed several issues related to importing PowerDesigner file
Fixed unable to show ElaborView comment shapes in diagrams of referenced project
General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed dotted line of association is depicted as solid line in printout of overview diagram
Fixed attribute name not show in fully qualified
Fixed model element type tag showing as text in profile diagram
Supported show/hide stereotype for shape
Report Editing/Generation
Fixed published image don’t have file extension which not work in IIS
Team Collaboration
Fixed Teamwork Client’s Manage project window incorrectly list deleted project
Database Engineering
Supported reversing comment from DDL in DDL reverse
General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed unable to resolve project reference when opening project - dialog box hanged
Fixed StackOverFlow when opening project (project specific)
Fixed failed to recognize the .vmoptions file in bin folder
Fixed unable to open specification of mind map node
Fixed an editing issue related to fully qualified class member
Supported project anonymizer
Team Collaboration
Fixed a re-login of PostMania after a failure become a login of VP Server
Fixed diagram image not show up in PostMania
General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed bad EMF may be caused by the existence of freehand shape
Fixed show stereotype on port doesn’t apply stereotype color
Fixed unable to read images in referenced elements’ documentation
Supported aligning use case name via “Model Element Name Alignment”
Fixed unable to read images in referenced elements’ documentation, for publisher output
Fixed grid diagram doesn’t hyperlink to the use case in project publisher output
Fixed Word report output missing space between element link and subsequent word in flow of events
Fixed styles imported from Word document to report composer does not keep style definition
Tried to locate LAME path when publisher project if the path has not been set before publishing
Fixed incorrect font size for problem statements of textual analysis in project publisher outcome
Fixed a connector lost after synchronizing class diagram to ERD and then back to class diagram
Team Collaboration
Supported user group for LDAP in VPServer
Fixed unable to start VP on Mac due to JDK compatibility issues
General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed unable to show attribute as association for attribute in referenced class
Fixed when adding properties to SysML block, the last property sometimes disappear
Fixed the apply of gradient color counted also on non-filled area
Fixed add comment via property pane doesn’t make author follow that defined in Application Option
Fixed corrupted swimlane partition when try to fit size
Fixed transition caption does not appear completely
Code Engineering
Not to generate .cpp for TypeDef class when generating CPP via Instant Generator
Supported stereotype page in report generation (BP-VA)
Team Collaboration
Changed to show relative path when resolving referenced project in Teamwork Client
Supported setting multiple associations to ORM persistable
Supported specifying typedef for generated Hibernate build file
Fixed ‘Customize UI’ does not work in non-English environment
General Modeling/Diagramming
Fixed class member shows out of class border after fit class size
Fixed application may stop functioning when open project with “delete detached shapes” when resolving ref project
Fixed unable to change the vale of UISpinner
Fixed a problem of missing tagged values in specification window
Fixed unable to set non-interrupting intermediate event
Fixed stack overflow when adding sub-diagram
Fixed unable to open reference folder
Fixed tagged value lost when its documentation is being edited
Fixed unable to create fact type in Model Explorer
Fixed deadlock when confirm the removal of programming language
Fixed a problem related to merge lane
Fixed intermediate event cannot set Throwing if the owning diagram is a subdiagram of subprocess
Fixed “Jump To” not working
Fixed referenced shapes is moveable
Fixed drag package with class to diagram shows containment connector
Fixed to show the addition of constraint in Visual Diff
Disallowed creating pool instead pool (model level)
Supported adding existing diagram as process diagram for choreography sub-process
Code Engineering
Fixed wrong value for maxOccurs in XSD produced by instant generator
Interoperability/Model Exchange
Fixed bad z-order of shapes imported from Bizagi
Fixed a problem related to importing NetBeans UML
Supported exporting elements referenced by flow of events when exporting project
Fixed import XML “by name” may miss out operation
Fixed export and import XML failed to keep element reference
Fixed missing image in generated documentation
Fixed document info not appear on exported MS Word
Fixed image in table doesn’t fit on the page in report composer
HTML Documentation Editor
Supported adding template parameters link in documentation
Fixed clear formatting in documentation does not work completely
Fixed ORM missing @javax.persistence.Temporal annotation for Mapping type for Date
Fixed unable to reverse generated Hibernate
IDE Integration
Fixed Eclipse may hang when synchronizing between class diagram and ERD
Fixed Customize UI does not work due to the use of non-English language for UI