What does VP use as placeholders in reports?

I have figured out how to use Open Office to further modify reports generated by VP, but I have an instance now where I want to build the report outside of VP and import it back in for final report generation. How can I do this? How does VP modify the document? I see generated bookmarks, begin content and end content hidden text, but no matter what I cannot insert these items into the document to receive the report data from VP.

Along these same lines, it is frustrating that when inserting graphics, VP does not pay attention to page sizes (especially height). This would not be a problem and I would not mind re-sizing the graphics if the next time that the report was updated from the model, these graphics settings were not ignored and it went back to the original. I am guessing (assuming) that this is because VP actually finds the “place holders” and deletes all of the old data before inserting new.

Any advice in solving the above issues would be appreciated.


Thanks for your post.

Regarding the report updating problem, I guess that you have selected “No” for replacing the existing report with the imported one when importing the document back into Report Writer. I prepared a document showing in detail how to import a document back into VP. If you are interested, please download it here:

Regarding the problem of not restoring the image properties (including its dimension), I’ll notify our engineers about this and see if we can support this function in future. Sorry for any inconvenience it may cause you.

If there are any further questions, please feel free to contact us again.

Best Regards,