Where to find classes created in a sequence diagram

I’m new to VP and can’t find the classes I’ve created directly from a sequence diagram’s lifeline.
I saw you had to create a sub diagram first, but I had already created some. I’d like to put them in the class diagram I’ve created, or at least deleted them to re-create but I can’t find them…
Thanks for your help !

Do you mean you right click on a lifeline and choose Select Class > Create Class from popup menu to create a class as classifier of your lifeline? If yes then the newly created class will be in root level of the project and you can find it in Model Explorer pane.

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Thank you very much. That’s exactly what I did and I couldn’t view them because my project is too messy, I have too many items.
Thanks a lot !

You are welcome. If the class is created from lifeline then you can navigate to it using the Model Transitor icon. This will help you to auto select the class in Model Explorer.
