Filter Postmania posts by projects


on the Postmania page I can see all post related to me - over all projects. But I can’t find a way to filter them by project, so that I see the posts related to the open project or the one I am actually interested in.

Didn’t I see an option or is this How To an Feature Suggestion?

This is supported, but I agree that the function to do so is a bit hidden.

Note: I borrowed the account from a friend of mine (with permission obviously!) to demonstrate this since I don’t have any diagrams shared with me.

So… First use the “Sort by Topic” option:

After you clicked on that select “Sort by diagram”. This will open up a new (sorted) section which provides a new option:

SokoCraft is an actual project I’m working on and which I used for my demonstration purposes back then. I only shared one project, but I believe that this is how you can separate your comments between projects and then the individual diagrams.

Hope this can help!

Is it working only on webpage version?
How I can sort Active Only ??

Thank you very much, that’s what I was looking for but not for the browser version. I/we don’t work there - only with the stand-alone App, where the Postmania-Page doesn’t support filtering, right?

you can mark posts as solved (in the stand-alone app Postmania-Pane), so that they wouldn’t be shown in the list anymore.

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No, but I assumed that @jck was asking about Visual Paradigm online because within the application there’s already a separation between projects and diagrams. So if you keep the PostMania pane open and you switch to another diagram which hasn’t been active then you also won’t see any comments.

That option is only available after you opened a diagram. So in the main overview window (which you get to see just after you logged on) then the topics are sorted on last activity where the last active one sits on top. But if you opened a topic and then move back to the diagram overview that’s when you can apply a filter:

Within the VP application this is much easier, and by default your topics are already sorted based on actually being active:

So: just click the small gray icon ‘Action bar’ icon at the right side, shown in the middle and the action bar will become visible. Then click on the PostMania icon and you should see the screen above. Now only topics which relate to the current diagram and which are still currently active will be shown.

Hope this can help!

Ha, ha, our posts somewhat crossed each other :slight_smile:

Fortunately it does, but it does heavily depends on how you access it.

If you click the PostMania icon you’re actually taken to the online version, but simply within Visual Paradigm. This only shows you an overview but does not provide much sorting options:

However… notice the colored bar at the left side of the comments? Those indicate which topics are active (green) and which topics have been marked as solved (blue). It’s not a sort function but it can make things easier to access. Also: the last active topic will always be shown on top.

But the best way to do this (in my opinion of course) is not to use the PostMania option like this but instead use the action bar. So open your diagram within Visual Paradigm as usual, then open the action bar by clicking the small icon shown on the right side of the screen (in the middle). Next click on the PostMania topic icon and the topic pane will be shown:

Now you can sort your topics for this diagram by using the pull down option (marked green). It will be set to ‘Active Only’ by default but in the example above I set it to ‘All’ so that I could look at an older entry.

I also marked the icon I mentioned above in cyan. Normally you’d only see that icon and not the PostMania topic pane.

Hope this can help too!

Thank you again. I did know the panes, but this one or two levels lower than I want to go.

For my head an filtered overview would be helpful like in the webversion, to see i.e. how many post per project are there? So I have posts in diagrams or an over-all-projects-post-list nobody can work with.

But the webversion must do it as long this feature is a requested one for the app :wink: This was a useful hint for me.