Allow enter key to open Use Case specification (vs. Use Case details)

Hi gang!

If you press the enter key while having a model element selected then this opens up its specification; a window where you can edit specific details about the model element. This pretty much applies to all available model elements (that I’m aware of).

However… If you press enter when you have a Use Case selected then this will open up a whole new page. You’re opening the Use Case details where you can edit things such as general Info, Use Case Notes, Flow of Events, etc.

The problem though is that those features are very license dependent. ‘Use Case Notes’ and ‘Flow of Events’ are only available with VP Professional. So for someone with a Standard or Modeler license this isn’t very practical.

Therefor my suggestion: allow us to configure this behavior for ourselves. In my environment I’d seriously prefer that the enter key opens the use case specification instead of the use case details because it’ll be much easier on me (things like Stereotypes, Extension points and tagged values aren’t part of the Use Case details).

I tried looking into the ‘key’ section of the Application options but it only shows that ‘Open Specification’ is already bound to Enter, so I can’t make any changes there.

Thanks in advance for reading this!

Thank you for your suggestion and I’ve pass it to our engineers for review. I’ll keep you post once there are any feedback on this. Feel free to contact me for any help and wish you have a good day!

Best regards,
Rain Wong

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BTW, starting from v14.1 SP1 the complete use case details editor, including flow-of-events are now available in Standard Edition.

Best regards,
Rain Wong

FYI, our engineers had enhanced the software which now support split the key binding for Open Specification and Open Use Case details. Please update the software to latest patch build (sp1_20170915aw or later) to get this enhancement. Details about update to latest patch can be found at

By upgrade to this build you can go to Window > Application Options > Keys to define key binding for Open Use Case Details. After restart application then then default Enter key will become shortcut for open use case’s specification while open use case details will using your defined key binding.

Please make sure you have pressed the “Update to latest patch” button on the left hand side of the dialog right after launching the update program

Feel free to contact me for any questions and wish you have a good day!

Best regards,
Rain Wong

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And this ladies and gentlemen is a perfect example why I am such a big fan & supporter of Visual Paradigm (both the software as well as the company)!

(sorry, had to vent :wink: ).

This is totally awesome, thank you so much! I didn’t expect this (it was merely a suggestion after all) but I am very happy to see you guys followed up on this.

Thanks again, this is extremely useful!